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?.?1'<C i I ,,r, ? ,? <br />and when recorded real] to: <br />Clerk of the Council <br />City Ilall <br />211 North Main Street <br />Santa hna, California <br />FIRST AMEFICAN <br />?,' I'll"?. tik%%(bI <br />„''i??, `i.?,, <br />RFCQNOFO FY RruJd91 OY <br />FlASf flM?, ilfli INS C9. <br />IN OFFICWI CEC0ICF OC <br />oRAN6E CduN1Y, CPtP? <br />??? d:ooaM NOV 201910 <br />FREE ],w?ut¢au1nE,¢tu?lYFFtomtl <br />APPMVfY A510 f.eeaOVE? 0Y OCSCHIYIION A, P NaMBEp MAP ND. eflOJeOi N0 <br />CANCEL FOflM AY A111', G?.LrO CNECKE?O,K. <br />1A%CS ?? t <br />n <br />'? <br />8 <br />6 <br />6 <br />M -29 <br />-03 trw 1 <br />? rlV;? r?al,o <br />NO UOCI?ENTARP STIv"1PS REQUIRE?, <br />FOR A VA1UM3IE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the City <br />of Santa ana, a municipal corporation duly organiaed and existing under the laws <br />of the State of California, does hereby great to the Orange County Civiu Center <br />authority a public entity and agency, duly organiaed and existing prmsuant to an <br />agreement entitled "Soint Exercise of Powers Agreement Between the City of Santa <br />Ana and the County of Orange Creating the Orange County Cirie Center authority", <br />dated January 17, 1966. the real property in the City of Santa Ana, County of <br />Orange, State of California, described as follows: <br />All that certain land situated in the State of California, City of Santa Ana, <br />County of Orange, described as follows: <br />`lmat certain portion of Sixth Street abandoned by Resolution 69-27 as recorded <br />in Book 8878, Page 863 of Official Records in the office of the Cowty Recorder <br />of ura<ige Cow,ty, California, said poriion'oeing mare pariicuiarly deserjoed as <br />follows: <br />Beginning at the Southeast corner oP the land conveyed to the County of Orange by <br />deed reeokded March 2G, 1966 in Book 7879, Page S04 Official Reeorda of Orange <br />County; thence Southerly along the Southerly extension of the Easterly lice of <br />said deed, 30,00 Peet to the center line oP Sixth Street as abandoned by said <br />Resalutian 69.27; thence IJesterly along said center line of Sixth Street 60,00 <br />feet; thence Norther)y parallel to said East line 30,00 Feet to the Borth line <br />of Sixth Street; thence East along the North line of Sixth Street, 60,OOfeet <br />to the dint of beginning, <br />Dated Novemhar ld 19g0 THE CITY OF SANTA MIA <br />I, <br />i?-C?[.. ??i.., `I <br />Neyor '..? <br />i <br />Clerk of the Council <br />Mall, TAX S1'ATFNENTS TO AROVC AEORF.SSEB