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<br />1. GENERAL INFORMATION <br />The dwelling in which you now live is in a project area to be improved by, or financed through, the <br />Displacing Agency using federal funds. If and when the project proceeds, and it is necessary for you to <br />move from your dwelling, you maybe eligible for certain benefits. You will be notified in a timely manner <br />as to the date by which you must move. Please read this information, as it will be helpful to you in <br />determining your eligibility and the amount of the relocation benefits you play receive under the federal <br />law. You will need to provide adequate and timely information to determine your, relocation benefits. The <br />information is voluntary, but if you don't provide it, you may not receive the benefits or it may take longer <br />to pay you. We suggest you save this informational. statement for reference... <br />The Displacing Agency has retained the professional firm of <br />provide relocation assistance to you. The firm is available <br />address and telephone number is listed on the cover. <br />PLEASE DO NOT MOVE PREMATURELY. THIS,I~ <br />DWELLING. However, if you desire to move sooner than r <br />with Overland, Pacific & Cutler, Inc., so you will not j <br />informational brochure only, and is not irijended to give <br />regulations pertaining to the Displacing Agency's'relocation s <br />Please continue to pay your rent to your cutrent land <br />jeopardize the relocation be~eFls to which you( mgt be <br />Agency acquires the propert5~;'yetu W)11 also be regytred to <br />ud, Pacifj£'i& Cutler, Inc. (OPC) to <br />ain the program and benefits. Their <br />A NOTICE TO VACATE YOUR <br />you must contact your representative <br />e any benefits. This is a general <br />°~d, description of either the law or <br />Gerwise you may be evicted and <br />to receive. Once the Displacing <br />to the Displacing Agency. <br />The Displacing Agency,_through its represeufatives, ~yi11 assist you in locating a comparable replacement <br />dwelling by pratiding referrals to appopriate and available housing units. You are encouraged to actively <br />seek such housing yourself. When a suitable replacement dwelling unit has been found, your relocation <br />consultatt~ will carry out an inspection and advise you as to whether the dwelling unit meets decent, safe <br />and sanitary housing requiremepts., A decent, safe and sanitary housing unit provides adequate space for <br />its occupants, groper weatherpropfing and sound heating, electrical and plumbing systems. Your new <br />dwelling must pass Yttspection before relocation assistance payments can be authorized. <br />........... <br />If you must move as a re"ult of displacement by the Displacing Agency, you will receive a payment to <br />assist in moving your personal property. The actual, reasonable and necessary expenses for moving your <br />household belongings may be determined based on the following methods: <br />A Fixed Moving Payment based on the number of rooms you occupy (see below); or <br />A payment for your Actual Reasonable Moving and Related Exyenses based on at least two <br />written estimates and receipted bills; or <br />A combination of both (in some cases). <br />4-99 <br />