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For example, you may choose a Self Move, receiving a payment based on the Fixed Residential Moving <br />Cost Schedule shown below, plus contract with a professional mover to transport your grand piano and /or <br />other items that require special handling. In this case, there maybe an adjustment in the number of rooms <br />which qualify under the Fixed Residential Moving Cost Schedule. <br />A. Fixed Moving Payment (Se-f Move) FiXe41,IGTQYi4~g"~~ftec)t11e ,:_ <br />A Fixed Moving Payment is based upon the number of CQtL~F~RNIA =~'Eff$~# xe:2pt?EE :.' <br />rooms you occupy and whether or not you own your own Occupant owns furniture: <br />furniture. The payment is based upon a schedule approved 1 room $625 <br />by the Displacing Agency, and ranges, for example, from 2 rooms $800 <br />$400.00 for one furnished room to $2,150.00 for eight 3 rooms $1,000 <br />rooms in an unfurnished dwelling. (For details see the 4room5=: $1,175 <br />table). Your relocation representative will inform you of .t u 5 rooms $1,425 <br />the amount you are eligible to receive, if you choose thts O. 6 ioRms $1,650 <br />type of payment. 7 rooms $1,900 <br />3 8 rooms , . $2,150 <br />If you select a fixed payment, you will be responsible for ~' Each additii5hal room $225 <br />arranging for your own move, and the Displacing Agency = , Occupant does NOT o1tYn furniture: <br />will assume no liability fox any loss or dattt`age of your 1 room $400 <br />personal property. A fixed payment also includes utility Each additional;+f0om $65 <br />hook-up, credit check and other related moving fees. <br />9 <br />B. Actual Moving Expense (Commercia) l~gve) :,_ ,,,!" <br />If you wish to engage the services of a licensed cgmmercial mover and have the Displacing <br />Agency pay the bill, you may claim the ACTUAL: cost e#f moving your personal property up to 50 <br />miles. Your relocation „representative will mfciti`i you of t1}e number of competitive moving bids <br />(if any) which may 4~°requir~d, and assist you in developing a "mover" scope of services for <br />Displacing Agency approval. ': <br />4. REPLACEMENT HOUSING PA'fFMENT-TENANTS AND CERTAIN OTHERS <br />~::~ <br />You may be rlgible for a payment;up to $5,250.00 to assist in renting or purchasing a comparable <br />replacemgnf'dwelling. In Order to qualify,_ypu must either be a tenant who has occupied the present <br />dwellir~°dfor at least 90 days iztimediately prior to the initiation of negotiations or an owner who has <br />occupied the present dwelling between 90:~and 180 days immediately prior to the initiation of negotiations. <br />A. Rental Assistance. If you wish to rent your replacement dwelling, your maximum rental. <br />assistance benefits will tie based upon the difference over aforty-two (42) month period between <br />the rent you must pay. ft5r a comparable replacement dwelling and the lesser of your current rent or <br />thirty percent (30°L°j of your monthly household income if your total gross income is classified as <br />"low income" by°`"the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development's (HUD) Annual <br />Survey of Income Limits for Public Housing and Section 8 Programs. You will be required to <br />provide your relocation representative with monthly rent and household income verification prior <br />to the determination of your eligibility for this payment. <br />-OR- <br />B, Down-payment Assistance. If you qualify, and wish to purchase a home as a replacement <br />dwelling, you can apply up to the total amount of your rental assistance payment towards the <br />down-payment and non-recurring incidental expenses. Your relocation representative will clazify <br />procedures necessary to apply for this payment. <br />4 -100 <br />