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04 - JOINT PH - Loan Agmts 703 N Lacy 702 S Raitt
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
Successor Agency (Formerly the Community Redevelopment Agency) (1974-Present)
04 - JOINT PH - Loan Agmts 703 N Lacy 702 S Raitt
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1/3/2012 3:33:49 PM
Creation date
6/23/2011 5:17:42 PM
City Clerk
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Agenda Packet
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(commencing with Section 23001) of Division 2 of the Revenue and Taxation Code. Furthermore, federal <br />regulations (49 CFR Part 24, Section 24.209) also indacate that no payment received under this part (Part <br />24) shall be considered as income for the purpose of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, which has been <br />redesignated as the Intemal Revenue Code of 1986. The preceding statement is not tendered as legal <br />advice in regard to tax consequences, and displacees should consult with their own tax advisor or legal <br />counsel to determine the current status of such payments. <br />(IRS Circular 230 disclosure: To ensure compliance with requirements imposed by the IRS, we inform you <br />that any tax advice contained in this communication (including any attachments) was not intended or <br />written to be used, and cannot be used, for the purpose of (i) avoiding tax-related penalties under the <br />Internal Revenue Code or (ii) promoting marketing or recommending ta,,nnother party any matters <br />addressed herein) <br />13. LAWFUL PRESENCE REQUIREMENT <br />In order to be eligible to receive relocation benefits in federally-n <br />the household to be displaced must provide information xegarditYl <br />States. Any member of the household who is not lawfully presen <br />provide this information may be denied relocation bdflefi°is, unless <br />exceptional and extremely unusual hardship to the alien's spouse, pa <br />or an alien admitted for permanent residence. Exceptional and ext <br />significant and demonstrable adverse impact;pn the health or safefy, <br />and any other impact determined by the Disp"~acjng Agency to nega <br />or child. Relocation benefits will be prorated to"reject the number <br />lawful presence in the US. <br />ti relocation projects, all members of <br />their lawful presence in the United <br />in the United States or declines to <br />auch inelieibility woiil"d result in an <br />r child, any of whom is a citizen <br />unusual hardship is defined as <br />ued existence of the family unit, <br />affect the alien's spouse, parent <br />us~hold members with certified <br />No person shall on the mounds of race, color, national prigin or sex, be excluded from participation in, be <br />denied the benefits of or! be subjected to discriminatSgit under the Displacing Agency's relocation <br />assistance program pursuant to Title Vf of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act <br />of 1968, and othe4 applicable state and federal anti discrimination and fair housing laws. You may file a <br />complaint if y~itit'belie~e you have been subjected'to discrimination. For details contact the Displacing <br />AgencY• .. <br />15. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION AND ASSISTANCE AVAILABLE <br />Those responsible for providing you with relocation assistance hope to assist you in every way possible to <br />minimize the hardships involved`in relocating to a new home. Your cooperation will be helpful and <br />greatly appreciated. If yocl h'~~ e any questions at any time during the process, please do not hesitate to <br />contact your relocation representative at Overland, Pacific & Cutler, <br />4 -103 <br />
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