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A11 claims for relocation benefits must be filed with the Displacing Agency within eighteen (18) months <br />from the date on which you receive fmal payment for your property, or the date, on which you move, <br />whichever is later. <br />8. LAST RESORT HOUSING ASSISTANCE <br />If comparable replacement dwellings are not available when you are required to move, or if replacement <br />housing is not available within the monetary limits described above, the Displacing Agency will provide <br />Last Resort Housing assistance to enable you to rent or purchase a replacement dwelling on a timely basis. <br />Last Resort Housing assistance is based on the individual circumstances of.the displaced person. Your <br />relocation representative will explain the process for determining whether or°~ot you qualify for Last <br />Resort assistance. <br />If you are a tenant, and you choose to purchase rather than rent sE Compazal~Ie„replacement dwelling, the <br />entire amount of your rental assistance and Last Resort eligibility must be applied toward the down- <br />payment and eligible incidental expenses of the home you intend to4purchase. <br />9. RENTAL AGREEMENT <br />As a result of the Displacing Agency's action to purchase the property where you live, you may become a <br />tenant of the Displacing Agency. If this ogGUrs, you will be asked to sign a rental agreement which will <br />specify the monthly rent to be paid, when rent. payments aze due, where they are to be paid and other <br />pertinent information. <br />10. EVICTIONS <br />Eviction for cause must confirm to applicable State and local 12w. Any person who occupies the real <br />property and is not in unlawful occt(pancy on the date of initiation of negotiations, is presumed to be <br />entitled to relocation beli`8fi}s, unless the Displacine Aeencu>determines that: <br />• The person received an evictigp notice prior to„lhe initiation of negotiations and, as a result, was <br />later evicted;.or <br />• The person is evicted after fhe initiation of negotiations for serious or repeated violation of <br />malarial terms of the lease; and <br />• T7te eviction was not undertaken for tlTe purpose of evading relocation assistance regulations. <br />Except for the causes of eviction Set forth` above, no person lawfully occupying property to be purchased <br />by the Displacing Agency will be required to move without having been provided with at least 90 days <br />written notice from the Displacine Aeencv. <br />Any person aggrieved by" a determination as to eligibility for a relocation payment, or the amount of a <br />payment, may have the claim reviewed or reconsidered in accordance with the Displacing Agency's <br />appeals procedure. Complete details on appeal procedures are available upon request from the Displacing <br />Agency. <br />12. TAX STATUS OF RELOCATION BENEFITS <br />California Government Code Section 7269 indicates no re]ocation payment received shall be considered as <br />income for the purposes of the Personal Income Tax Law, Part 10 (commencing with Section 170 O1) of <br />Division 2 of the Revenue and Taxation Code, or the Bank and Corporation Tax law, Part 11 <br />4 -102 <br />