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A.~ 1.y J..4 i1.AJ ~L/Y8. ~. <br />C&C Development Co. and Orange Housing Development Corporation ("the Developer") is <br />in the processing of acquiring one property for their proposed affordable housing project, the <br />Raitt Apartments Project in Santa Ana, CA ("the Project"). The Project site consists of .2 <br />acres and is located at 702 S. Raitt Street. The site contains one structure housing 10 one- <br />bedroom apartment units. <br />Currently, all 10 units are occupied. The Developer plans to reconfigure and rehabilitate the <br />units, including a thorough rehab of the interior and exterior: For the interior, new drywall, <br />paint, insulation, kitchen cabinets, toilets, bath tubs, shower enclosures, sinks, garbage <br />disposals, and vnryl flooring will be installed or replac~wWork on the exterior will include <br />new roofs, repairs to the stucco, new exterior paint au`d new'windows. <br />Eight units will remain after the rehabilrtation~has been complg~ted: four one-bedroom units, <br />two two-bedroom units and two three-bedroom waits: Units w~1 be offered'lo tenants who <br />qualify at 50% of area median income. Those tenant households, whose income level is <br />,,.. <br />greater than 50% of area median incortl~, will need to be pernanently relocated. In addition, <br />even if all tenant households "income quajify','_to remain wit[iin die Project, because two <br />units will be lost for the expansion of several tlliits,_two households will be permanently <br />displaced regardless. <br />New tenants will be ht <br />people in an addihortal' <br />occupancy standard (tw <br />living room or den) for <br />will be gra'~ct~atherec <br />rehabilita~d units, u~li <br />reduction.. in number of <br />As of this date, the P <br />households. The needs a <br />program to provide assis <br />Plan (Plan). The dweliu <br />in the area generally bo <br />and S. Townsend Street <br />shown in Attachment 1. <br />occupancy. standard (two people per bedroom and two <br />a living ropm or den) for one-bedroom units and a 2+1 <br />bedroom and btTe person in an additional room such as a <br />.g bedroom units. Any current overcrowded households <br />qualify to remain within the Project in one of the <br />one of the two households to be displaced due to the <br />>jcet will"cause the permanent displacement of two residential <br />d characteristics of the permanent displacees and the Developer's <br />ar€ce to each affected person are general subjects of this Relocation <br />s; which are the subject of this Plan, are located on Raitt Street and <br />nded by W. Willits Street, S. Western Avenue, W. Wisteria Place <br />in the City of Santa Ana, as illustrated on the Project Site Maps <br />The Developer anticipates funding for the Project will be provided by tax increment and <br />HOME funds. This Plan conforms to the requirements of the federal Uniform Relocation <br />Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 1970 (URA), as amended, the <br />implementing regulations of Handbook 1378 of the Department of Housing and Urban <br />Development (HUD), the California Relocation Assistance Law, Government Code Section <br />7260, et seq. (Law), the Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisition Guidelines <br />Overland Pacifu• & Cufler, Inc. <br />4-114 <br />