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adopted by the Department of Housing and Community Development and Title 25, <br />California Code of Regulations Section 6000, et seq. (Guidelines). <br />Overland, Pacific & Cutler, Inc. ("OPC"), an experienced relocation consulting firm, has <br />been selected to prepare this Residential Antidisplacement and Relocation Assistance Plan <br />(the "Plan"). OPC will provide all required relocation assistance to the tenant households, <br />who will be permanently displaced. h1 compliance with statutory requirements, this <br />Relocation Plan has been prepared to primarily evaluate the present circumstances and <br />replacement requirements of the permanent displacees. (A brief description of the relocation <br />assistance, for which the temporarily displaced tenants will be eligikl~;Will also be included.) <br />Overland, Pacific & Cutder, Inc. <br />4-115 <br />