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6. The basis for concluding that the replacement housing will. remain lower <br />income housing fox at least ten years from the date of initial occupancy; <br />7. Information demonstrating that any proposed replacement of dwelling units <br />with smaller dwelling units (e.g, a 2-bedroom unit with two 1-bedroom <br />units), is appropriate and consistent with the needs and priorities identified in <br />the approved Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy (CHAS). <br />To the extent that the specific location of the replacement housing and other data in Items 4 <br />through 7 above are not available at the time of the general submission, the Developer will <br />identify the general location of such housing on a map and complete the disclosure and <br />submission requirements as soon as the specific data are available. <br />The Santa Ana Redevelopment Agency is responsible for trae7cing the replacement of lower <br />income housing and ensuring that it is provided within the ~'~guired p~rzod. <br />Overland, Pacific & Cutler, Inc. ("OPC") is respa~tsible for processing: claims to provide <br />relocation payments and for providing other relorr~ation assistance to any lower income person <br />displaced by the demolition of any housing or`the.cpnversiotl,,of lower income housing to <br />another use. <br />Consistent with the goals and objecfives of activities assisted under the Housing and <br />Community Development Act of 1992 as' well.. as the Uniform Relocation Assistance and <br />Real Property Acquisition Policies Act of 197q, as amended, the Developer will provide <br />relocation assistance to displaced occupants as described' in this Relocation Plan. <br />Overland, Pact~c & Cutler, Inc. <br />4-117 <br />