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V1. PROPOSAL REJECTION <br />The City reserves the right to reject any or all proposals. If such decision is made, the City <br />shall not be liable for any pre-contractual expenses. <br />Pre-contractual expenses are defined as expenses incurred by the offeror in: (a) preparing <br />the proposal in response to this RFP; (b) submitting that proposal to the City; (c) <br />negotiating with the City any matter related to this proposal; (d) any other expenses <br />incurred by offeror prior to date of award, if any, of the agreement. Proposer shall not <br />include any such expenses as part of the price as proposed in response to this RFP. <br />VII. ADDENDA <br />Any subsequent changes in the RFP from the date of issuance to date of submittal will be <br />made in the form of addenda by the issuing office to those parties who have provided the <br />proper notice of interest in responding to the RFP. <br />VIII. PROPOSAL CONTENT AND SIGNATURE <br />Eight copies of the proposal will be required. All copies shall be signed by the individual or <br />the company official with the power to bind the company in its proposal. To be considered, <br />all proposals must be completely responsive to the RFP. <br />IX. ACCEPTANCE OF CONTRACT <br />The contents of the proposal of the successful consultant shall become contractual <br />obligations if a contract ensues. Failure of a consultant to accept these obligations may <br />result in the cancellation of any award. Any damage accrued by the City as a result of the <br />consultant's failure to contract may be recovered from the consultant. <br />A copy of the City's standard consultant agreement is included in Section XVII for the <br />proposers' information. <br />X. DISCLOSURE <br />Any information other than cost and price which the Consultant does not wish to be <br />disclosed, other than for the purpose of evaluation, should have each applicable sheet or <br />part marked "Confidential." This data shall not be disclosed, duplicated or used in whole <br />or in part for any purpose other than to evaluate the response. However, if a contract is <br />awarded to the proposer, the City shall have the right to duplicate, use or disclose this <br />information to the extent provided in the contract. This restriction will not limit the City the <br />right to use information if it is obtained from another source. <br />7