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A detailed staffing plan for each task and subtask must be submitted and should include an organization <br />chart. The staffing plan shall identify all staff by name and identify the specific tasks for which each <br />individual will be responsible. The proposal must also demonstrate adequacy of labor resources for the <br />duration of the project, utilizing a table projecting the labor-hour allocation to the project, and must include <br />each team member's current and projected availability for the duration of the project, including a summary <br />of the time allocated to other projects. <br />Cost Proposal <br />In a separate, sealed envelope, Consultant shall submit a fixed-fee cost proposal consistent with the <br />Scope of Work and the requirements of this RFP. Any optional tasks proposed by the Consultant shall be <br />estimated separately in the cost proposal. The cost proposal shall include a full description and <br />breakdown of the expected expenditures of funds for the proposed project, as set forth in the Scope of <br />Work, in two forms: a task budget and a line item budget. The classifications, names, and hourly billing <br />rates of individuals proposed for the project shall be clearly identified. Cost proposals shall not be opened <br />until a firm is awarded the contract. Firms that are not selected shall have their cost proposals returned to <br />them unopened. <br />IV. SCOPE OF WORK <br />Task 1 - New Starts Templates and Application <br />A significant amount of work in support of the project has recently been prepared through the Conceptual <br />Engineering/Alternatives Analysis/Draft Environmental Analysis effort. At project kick-off, City of Santa <br />Ana staff will provide the selected Consultant with copies of the documents that provide information <br />relevant to the Pre-PE scope of work. For efficiency and consistency, Consultant shall draw from those <br />materials to the maximum extent feasible to prepare and assemble all documents and data needed for an <br />FTA Section 5309 (New Starts/Small Starts/Urban Circulator) application, including: <br />A. Project Description <br />B. Standard Cost Categories (SCC) Annualized Cost Worksheets <br />C. Land Use Supporting Information <br />D. Project Financial Plan & Supporting Information <br />E. "Making the Case" Document <br />Task 1 Deliverables: <br />1. One electronic version (on CD in Microsoft Office Word 2007 or Microsoft Office Excel 2007 <br />format) and 12 hard copies of the draft Project Description, SCC Annualized Cost <br />Worksheets, Land Use Supporting Information, Project Financial Plan & Supporting <br />Information, and "Making the Case" Document <br />2. One electronic version (on CD in Microsoft Office Word 2007 or Microsoft Office Excel 2007 <br />format) and 12 hard copies of the final Project Description, SCC Annualized Cost <br />Worksheets, Land Use Supporting Information, Project Financial Plan & Supporting <br />Information, and "Making the Case" Document <br />Task 2 - Project Management Plan (PMP) <br />As a condition of Federal assistance, a grant applicant for a major capital investment project must <br />prepare a Project Management Plan (PMP) consistent with 49 USC 5327 (Project Management <br />Oversight) and 49 CFR 633 (Project Management Oversight Rule). The grant applicant must submit the <br />PMP in time for FTA to review the applicant's plan in conjunction with its New Starts/Small Starts grant <br />application. The PMP is a dynamic document for managing engineering, design, construction and start- <br />up of a project. The PMP must provide sufficient detail to demonstrate the grant applicant's technical <br />capability to carry out the project. <br />Consultant shall develop a draft PMP that addresses the following items: <br />4 <br />25D-18