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VI. PERFORMANCE PERIOD <br />The contract shall begin upon approval by the City Council, and the Consultant shall commence work <br />after notification to proceed by the City. Unless extended by contract amendment, the contract shall <br />terminate on February 1, 2012. <br />The Consultant is advised that any recommendation for contract award is not binding on the City until the <br />Agreement and all pertinent paperwork are fully executed and approved by the City Council. <br />VII. CONSULTANT SELECTION PROCESS <br />A Consultant Selection Committee shall be established to evaluate each Proposer's proposal <br />andinterview the most qualified Proposers. The evaluation of each proposal will be based on the following <br />evaluation criteria: <br />Evaluation Criteria <br />1. Technical Qualifications (40%) <br />Technical experience in performing work of a similar nature; experience preparing FTA Pre-PE <br />application materials; experience working with public agencies; strength and stability of the firm; <br />strength, stability, experience and technical competence of subcontractors; assessment by client <br />references. <br />2. Staffing and Project Organization (30%) <br />Qualifications of project staff, particularly key personnel and especially the Project Manager, <br />including each individual's relevant past experience. Key personnel's level of involvement in <br />performing related work cited in "Qualifications of the Firm" section; adequacy of labor <br />commitment; references from past projects; logic of project organization; concurrence in the <br />restrictions on changes in key personnel. <br />3. Work Plan (30%) <br />Depth of Consultant's understanding of City's requirements and overall quality of work plan; logic, <br />clarity and specificity of work plan; appropriateness of labor distribution among the tasks; ability to <br />meet the project deadline; reasonableness of proposed schedule; utility of suggested technical or <br />procedural innovations. <br />Only those Proposers whose proposals receive a combined score of 75 or better (based on a 100-point <br />scale) shall be considered qualified to provide the services required by this scope of work. If more than <br />one Proposer's proposal receives a score of 75 or better, the Consultant Selection Committee shall <br />interview said Proposers to gain more insight into their technical qualifications, staffing and project <br />organization, and work plan. Upon completion of the evaluation and interview process, if necessary, the <br />Consultant Selection Committee will recommend that the City Council award a contract to the highest <br />ranking consultant. <br />VIII. ESTABLISHING OF FEES <br />A fee proposal is to be submitted separately in a sealed envelope plainly labeled "Fee Proposal". The fee <br />proposal shall include a not-to-exceed fee and a detailed labor hour breakdown by task and <br />classifications. Include all incidental costs estimated to accrue during the life of the contract. Include a <br />billing rate schedule for the prime consultant and any subconsultants with an hourly billing rate by <br />classification. As this will be a multi-year project, include billing rates for the current year as well as <br />subsequent calendar years covering the duration of the project. <br />9 <br />25D-23