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?.?•$(1?R' Jll[?Ili ??IOY$ F!X$dl???/?4f@?fd ?i ! W 4TH ST" - <br />V74 $M <br />Work Plan <br />Project Approach <br />The purpose of the Pre-Preliminary Engineering Analysis <br />for the Santa Ana-Garden Grove Fixed Guideway is to <br />prepare and assemble all the documents and data <br />needed for the FTA Section 5309 (New Starts/Small DA?ETcall CEPTUAL DES10i f <br /> <br />P <br />aH <br />er - <br />RAFT, <br />)D <br /> <br />E <br />S <br />StartslUrban Circulator) application. The significant <br />amount of information in support of this effort has been or r, z , ! A, #t <br />is being prepared as part of the ongoing Conceptual <br />Engineering/Altematives Analysis/Draft Environmental s- <br />Analysis project. Since the Cordoba team is performing t 5 -. <br />the ongoing work program, we are uniquely qualified to}= { <br />conduct the Pre-preliminary Engineering Analysis. We <br />have a thorough understanding of the proposed Santa- f -- <br />Ana-Garden Grove Fixed Guideway project and the context in which the project is being developed. We know the <br />City of Santa Ana, its physical features, its neighborhoods and stakeholders and its staff. We understand and are <br />committed to their impressive and comprehensive Transit Vision for the City. <br />We know OCTA and the Go Local Program. We understand OCTA`s interest in pursuing Federal funding for the <br />most competitive of the Go Local programs in order to fully leverage the local Measure Mz dollars. We understand <br />that OCTA as the designated grant recipient for FTA funding in Orange County, will be providing oversight for the <br />project, similar to their role in the ongoing work effort. But we also know, based on our considerable experience and <br />success with the FTA Section 5309 programs that, for the City to compete successfully, OCTA will need to provide <br />more than technical oversight. In order to successfully compete with the anticipated number of New Starts projects in <br />FTA Region IX and the nation, the Santa Ana-Garden Grove Fixed Guideway project will need to present a <br />technically strong and compelling "story" of why the project is very competitive with respect to FTA's project <br />evaluation criteria. To be successful in attracting Federal New Starts funds that will leverage local M2 dollars, OCTA <br />will need to join with the City, lending their considerable experience, capacity and capability, to advocate for the <br />project. Cordoba's partner in this undertaking, SOJ, has the knowledge and experience to assist the City and OCTA <br />to develop the most effective strategy to competitively position the project for federal funding. <br />We fully understand that the City and OCTA continue to work together on important issues of project ownership, <br />management and operations. The resolution of these issue areas will be critical to the preparation of a successful <br />Project Development application. With national experience in fixed guideway transit, and in particular modern <br />streetcar, the Cordoba team can provide valuable insights into successful funding and grant application models <br />nationally, to assist OCTA and the City in resolving these important issues for project success. <br />The work effort on the Conceptual Engineering/Alternatives Analysis/Draft Environmental Analysis is ongoing and will <br />continue in parallel with the Pre-Preliminary Engineering Analysis. The Cordoba team was originally configured to <br />provide the City with the depth of resources and local knowledge, technical expertise and demonstrated experience <br />in successfully delivering similar projects. By selecting the Cordoba team to continue with the Pre-Preliminary <br />Engineering Analysis, the City will take maximum advantage of the quality work product that has been developed by <br />the team, and also the considerable knowledge and experience gained during the preceding two years. <br />And the current Cordoba team has been reconfigured to address the specific requirements of the Pre-Preliminary <br />Engineering Analysis objectives and work program. We have maintained those members whose particular <br />knowledge and expertise will be critical to seamless integration of the two work programs. We have added SOJ and <br />Section Three - Work Plan 26 <br />2501-30