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ri?O16"CX8 W 4TH 5T3 3 <br />y _lot <br />ArQ??(9!4llfll_?Ly - 00694 ilyzi <br />a ?, .? 11 <br />The Cordoba Team is uniquely qualified to complete the work of this Fixed-Guideway Pre-Engineering Analysis I. <br />efficiently and effectively for a successful Federal capital grant application. Our team is configured to strategically <br />use the strength of each team member based on the expertise and experience each task requires, our <br />recommended approach to this assignment is based on our team's in-depth understanding of the Federal New Starts <br />and Small Starts capital grant programs, as we have discussed in the Overview and Summary. <br />Key to our achieving success for the City of Santa Ana and completing our work efficiently on time and within budget <br />are these advantages only our team offers: <br />Local connection. As has been the case with the Santa Ana and Garden Grove Fixed Guideway Corridor <br />Study, the location of offices of both Cordoba and URS in Santa Ana will aid in efficient and well-coordinated <br />product delivery, direct communications and real-time participation with the City of Santa Ana, and with <br />OCTA and the City of Garden Grove, whenever needed, throughout this phase of the work. <br />Strong understanding of Federal Small Starts process The team is unmatched in its experience of <br />success with SOJ managing the development of the only Federal Small Starts grant application that resulted <br />in a Small Starts grant award for a streetcar project to date (Portland Eastside Loop). The team's <br />understanding of the entire Federal funding process and familiarity with both the FTA headquarters and <br />regional staff will be essential to the successful navigation of the process. <br />Benefit of incorporating key members of the existing team: The continuity with the Fixed Guideway <br />Corridor Study provided by the Cordoba team provides great benefit to the City and to both projects. Team <br />members have been successfully working together and with Santa Ana, Garden Grove and OCTA for nearly <br />two years, engendering mutual understanding, trust and respect. We fully understand the characteristics <br />and attributes of the project alternatives and will use that knowledge to quickly and efficiently develop the <br />required FTA application materials. The quality technical work, task deliverables and supporting data and <br />analyses, developed during the alternatives analysis, conceptual design and environmental review tasks is a <br />valuable foundation for the pre-Preliminary Engineering effort. <br />Most qualified technical expertise. The members of this technical team have already successfully, <br />strategically and efficiently prepared the same format of Federal application that is being requested for the <br />Santa Ana - Garden Grove Fixed Guideway Project. In addition, the technical leadership that will be <br />provided to the team by SOJ is the result of SOYs involvement nationwide with modern streetcar projects <br />from planning through implementation and into operations and management. <br />Integrated team: Our team is fully prepared to execute the pre-PE work program with the coordinated <br />teamwork required to deliver success. Our members are seasoned professionals, experienced in working <br />collaboratively across geography and disciplines, towards the best interests of the City of Santa Ana and the <br />project. <br />We are confident this is the most informed and experienced team that could come forward to prepare the best <br />possible materials for a successful Federal application for the Santa Ana - Garden Grove Fixed Guideway transit <br />project. <br />Team Organization <br />As indicated previously, our team is configured and staff assigned to take best advantage of the particular experience <br />and technical expertise each member can bring to each task. The Organization Chart on the following page shows <br />are team structure. <br />Section Three - Work Plan 28 <br />25D-32