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tL y <br />oYefiXed f' EeCa?(QF!'' ' w 4TH &T--? <br />as part of the Land Use templates, with a particular focus on the development and private investment potential along <br />the corridor. E.D. Hovee will consider the implications of the newly-adopted Transit Zoning Code on private <br />development and investment within the corridor, as well as estimating the potential of those opportunities outside the <br />Transit Zoning Code area, particularly along the western half of the corridor. <br />As noted in the Approach, The economic development submittal is not a formal template in the FTA application but <br />represents 33% of the value of the rating for the project. Portland included a detailed economic development <br />projection with their submittal to the FTA in support of the application. E.D. Hovee and Co. prepared that document <br />which was invaluable in understanding the potential effects of the fixed guideway in attracting private investment and <br />the potential benefits to the local community and economy. <br />Santa Ana and Garden Grove are well positioned to demonstrate the potential for a streetcar to Increase the <br />projected private investment and mixed use development along the corridor. Work will include survey of properties <br />for potential development, documentation of planned developments, and projections of the amount of development <br />likely to be attracted to the corridor, with and without a fixed guideway transit investment. Specific parcel Inventory <br />will be conducted and will be based upon adopted regional forecasting of economics and demographics resulting in <br />base-case (Wthout") and streetcar-base ("with") models outlining estimated incremental value capture within each <br />scenario. <br />1A: C. Higley One electronic version and 12 hard copies of draft and final <br />1 B: D. Levinsohn, B, Post, R. Gustafson Project Description, SCC Annualized Cost Worksheets, Land Use <br />1C: C. Higley, E. Yesayan, E. Hovee Supporting Information, Project Financial Plan & Supporting <br />1D: R. Gustafson, D. Davies, C. Higley Information and "Making the Case" Document <br />1E: C. Higley, L. Skiles, D. Davies <br />OPTIONAL TASK: E. Hovee <br />Tasks 2 through 6: Plan Development <br />Along with the rating based upon land use, economic development and cost effectiveness, FTA rates the project on <br />local financial commitment and technical capability and capacity. These elements are judged substantially by <br />the plans that are submitted in support of the project including the Project Management Plan (PMP), Fleet <br />Management Plan (FMP), Quality Management Plan or Quality Assurance Quality Control (QMP or QA/QC), Safety <br />and Security Management Plan (SSMP), and Real Estate Acquisition Management Plan (RAMP). At this point in the <br />project, with a 5 to 10% level of engineering, these plans will begin to frame the specific physical and operational <br />characteristics of the project and the Sponsor's approach to owning and managing the system. While fairly detailed <br />information can (and should) be provided in the Project Management Plan (once OCTA and the City of come to an <br />agreement) and the Quality Management Plan, the others (Fleet Management, Real Estate Acquisition Management <br />and, Safety and Security Management) will lay out an approach and framework, to be completed in greater detail <br />during Preliminary and Final Engineering. <br />Task 2 -- Project Management Plan (PMP) <br />The FTA statutory requirement of Technical Capacity and Capability is very important. FTA does review the ability of <br />the sponsoring organization to accomplish a project of this magnitude. The primary basis for making this judgment is <br />past experience of the sponsoring agency and the Project Management Plan (PMP). The PMP is an Important <br />document that lays out how the applicant intends to manage and oversee the project through implementation. The <br />preparation of the PMP will require involvement and commitment from the leadership of each of the participating <br />agencies including OCTA, Santa Ana, and Garden Grove. The policy and management structures are to be outlined <br />Section Three - Work Plan 31 <br />2501-35