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/??'aln?d8n<Csoys/fixedYf' ?waTrisra--_ <br />in the PMP, SOJ will assume the lead in preparing the PMP with strong support from Cordoba and URS In terms of <br />coordinating with and confirming the sponsoring agencies' participation and roles in the management leadership <br />structure. The PMP will be consistent.with 49 CFR USC 5327 and 49 CFR 633. <br />SOJ has successfully managed the implementation of the first two modern streetcar systems in the U.S. using <br />efficient project management plans resulting from a development practice rather than a transportation engineering <br />practice, completing these projects within ambitious timelines and budgets. Under SOJ leadership, the Portland <br />Streetcar Loop federal project submitted its PMP to FTA under its Small Starts application and successfully received <br />its award. Buy-in and commitment from the sponsoring agencies regarding their integration with the project team and <br />their roles in leadership and accountability was key to their success. <br />The development of the PMP will be heavily influenced by decisions and agreements between the cities of Santa Ana <br />and Garden and OCTA with respect to the ownership and operational management of the system. Cordoba and SOJ <br />will consult with the cities and OCTA as they work toward agreements on these fundamental aspects of the project, <br />and be fully prepared to develop a strong and compelling PMP based on the outcome. <br />B. Tong, C. Higley, D. Levinsohn 11 One electronic and 12 hard copies of the draft and the final PMP <br />Task 3 - Safety & Security Management Plan (SSMP) <br />Another element required to accompany the federal application, the SSMP will be prepared by SOJ with support from <br />URS. The System Safety and Security Plan is actually two plans (Safety and Security). The SOXURS team prepared <br />both plans for the entire Portland Streetcar system including the federally funded project (Loop), and SOJ continues <br />to maintain the SSMP through Portland Streetcar Inc. operations. These documents include approaches to <br />construction as well as the operation of the system. The format will include all of the elements listed in the RFP to <br />comply Nth 49 CFR 633 and FTA Circular C 5800.1 <br />B. Tong, B. Post 11 One electronic and 12 hard copies of the draft and the final SSMP <br />Task 4 - Fleet Management Plan (FM,P) <br />The FMP will be prepared by SOJ with support from URS, using the successful FMP format that was developed for <br />the Portland Streetcar Loop application. Portland's FMP is used to guide the current vehicle fleet operations for <br />Portland Streetcar Loop under SOJ's direct management. The vehicle to be used for the Santa Ana-Garden Grove <br />Fixed Guideway has yet to be selected. Unlike Portland, Santa Ana and Garden Grove will need to comply with the <br />requirements of the California Public Utilities Commission. The vehicle used in Portland does not currently meet <br />CPUC standards. To date, only the Seimens S70 light rail transit vehicle complies with CPUC standards, while <br />providing physical and operating characteristics similar to modern streetcars. The CPUC is aware of the broad <br />interest in modern streetcar throughout California and has indicated a willingness to revisit their standards and <br />vehicle requirements in light of modern streetcar operating characteristics differing from traditional LRT. Continued <br />attention to this issue will be required as the project continues to advance so that a viable vehicle can be identified. <br />However, for the purposes of this effort, a Draft Fleet Management Plan will be prepared until such time a a vehicle is <br />selected. Real-time, current operating and financial data from the Portland streetcar operations, coupled with Input <br />from OCTA, will be used to inform accurate assumptions for the Santa Ana - Garden Grove project. The FMP will be <br />formatted consistently to conform to FTA Circular 9030,1D. <br />Section Three - Work Plan 32 <br />25D-36