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III. Funding <br />The City of Santa Ana is an existing local government partner with Southern California Edison (SCE). <br />Santa Ana's Energy Leader Partnership program with SCE targets residences, businesses and city <br />facilities to create long -term energy savings, reduce peak loads, and expand energy efficiency measures <br />in innovative ways throughout the City. The Partnership has committed $68,622 in funding toward the <br />GHG inventory and an energy component in the CAP. <br />Additional funds were made available to SCE partnership entities through the California Energy <br />Efficiency Strategic Implementation Agreement. The City received approval to fund three specific <br />tasks, two of which include development of baseline greenhouse gas emissions (.GHG) inventory for <br />both the Community and Municipal Operations, and the development of an energy component in a <br />Climate Action Plan. This funding includes $181,378 for these two tasks. <br />Funding for the remainder of the components to complete the Climate Action Plan will be the <br />responsibility of the City. With the City's reduced budget this poses a funding challenge. These <br />components may or may not ultimately be included in the final plan/scope of this project. <br />Scone of Work <br />The City is seeking a consultant to develop a comprehensive GHG inventory and Climate Action Plan <br />for the City related to energy and environmental impacts. The respondent should propose an action plan <br />and associated costs including anticipated return on investments, which will reduce the City's energy <br />usage and environmental impact. The CAP should include priorities from the most cost - effective to the <br />least cost - effective. The CAP should also include "no cost" recommendations, such as behavioral <br />changes, etc. The City will want to consider all reasonable means of reducing future environmental <br />impacts. <br />The successful respondent will provide a strategy and methodology to: <br />• analyze and inventory the current energy consumption and emissions from Community and <br />Municipal operations; <br />Page 4 of 15 <br />19E -6 <br />