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• identify a baseline year; <br />• forecast future trends on energy use and emissions; <br />• identify opportunities for emission reductions; <br />• develop an emissions inventory report; <br />• analyze and recommend an emissions reduction target; <br />• analyze the impact of emissions reductions measures; <br />• work with the public, city council, committees and staff on public education and consensus <br />building; <br />• provide an implementation strategy that includes a list of actions, cost estimates and <br />implementation timetable; <br />• develop an annual data gathering and tracking methodology and annual reporting template to <br />monitor and present progress in meeting climate change commitments; and <br />• develop the Climate Action Plan <br />The City's CAP will be a five to ten year plan that will address energy, transportation and land use, <br />water and solid waste, etc. Specific areas to be addressed include: <br />Energy Efficiency and Conservation <br />As indicated above, the City is an existing local government partner with Southern California Edison. <br />The Partnership targets residences, business and city facilities to create long -term energy savings, <br />reduce peak loads, and expand energy efficiency measures in innovative ways throughout the City. The <br />Santa Ana Green newsletter consistently delivers information to residents about energy efficiency <br />programs and practices. <br />The City has been a proponent of increased energy efficiency in its municipal facilities and has <br />demonstrated this commitment through recurring energy efficiency capital improvements. Most <br />recently, the City completed installation of $3.2 million dollars in energy efficient upgrades and retrofits <br />that were funded through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA). Staff is <br />currently evaluating LED street lighting for a portion of the City -owned street lights. <br />Page 5 of 15 <br />19E -7 <br />