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Key Issues: Incorporation of Complete Streets concepts and revisions to exhibits <br />to reflect the Fixed Guideway project, the Santa Ana Signal Master Plan, quiet zones <br />and other pertinent projects. <br />Approach: IBI Group will review the current Santa Ana Master Plan of Streets and <br />Highways (MPSH), and compare it to the OCTA Master Plan of Arterial Highways <br />(MPAH) and the California Road System (CRS) for consistency. Recommendations <br />for refinements to the MPSH will be based on coordination with these documents, <br />current and approved roadway, intersection and transit projects, updated goals and <br />policies that reflect Complete Streets legislation, and the results of the traffic analysis <br />prepared as part of this task. <br />The Circulation Element Technical Report will include an analysis of up to 20 roadway <br />segments and 30 intersections within the City of Santa Ana and will be conducted using <br />methodologies consistent with City of Santa Ana General Guidelines, and CEQA <br />Guidelines. Analysis scenarios will include the existing condition, a baseline buildout <br />(2035) condition and up to three buildout alternatives. OCTAM will be used to forecast <br />link traffic volumes for the buildout scenarios. The link volumes will be post - processed <br />into intersection turning movement volumes using an Excel -based tool developed in <br />house that utilizes the methodology presented in the TRB NCHRP Report 255. IBI has <br />worked extensively with OCTAM on local projects including the OCTA Long Range <br />Transportation Plan (2010 LRTP), the Central County Major Investment Study (MIS) and <br />the South County MIS. <br />The evaluation of the MPSH will identify possible reclassification or modification of <br />streets, and potential refinements to the transportation system to support the buildout <br />condition. This will include the integration of complete streets elements such as <br />enhanced pedestrian and bicycle facilities. <br />TASK 5: BICYCLE AND PEDESTRIAN MASTER <br />PLAN <br />Objective: To develop Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plans that address the needs of <br />walkers and cyclists of all ages, abilities, skills, and confidence levels, while providing a <br />menu of innovative and economically feasible projects and recommendations matched <br />to specific funding opportunities. <br />25A -16 <br />