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6/10 <br />shall submit to CITY and or HUD or its representatives, all records requested, including audit, <br />examinations, monitoring and verifications of reports s ubmitted by S UBRECIPIENT, c osts i n- <br />curred and services rendered hereunder. <br />O. Independent C ontractor. S UBRECIPIENT agrees t hat t he p erfon-nance o f <br />obligations hereunder are rendered in its capacity as an independent contractor and that it is in no <br />way an agency of CITY. <br />P. Violation of T erms a nd C onditions. S UBRECIPIENT ag rees t hat i f <br />SUBRECIPIENT v iolates any of t he t erms a nd c onditions of t his A greement or a ny pr for <br />Agreement whereby ESG funds were received by SUBRECIPIENT, or if SUBRECIPIENT reports <br />inaccurately, or if on audit there is a disallowance of certain expenditures, SUBRECIPIENT agrees <br />to r emedy the acts or om issions c ausing t he di sallowance a nd r epay C ITY a 11 a mounts s pent i n <br />violation t hereof I f S UBRECIPIENT a ngaged i n f raudulent a ctivity t o obt ain a nd/or j ustify <br />expenditure of the ESG funds granted hereunder, SUBRECIPIENT shall be required to reimburse <br />the CITY of all such funds that were obtained/spent under fraudulent circumstances. <br />Q. Equipment. S UBRECIPIENT ag rees t o in aintain a r ecord f or each item of non - <br />expendable pe rsonal pr operty a cquired unde r t he t erms of t his A greement i n accordance w ith 24 <br />CFR 85.32. Said record shall be made available to CITY upon request. The term "non- expendable <br />personal property" shall include leased and purchased equipment. <br />R. Prohibited Use. SUBRECIPIENT hereby certifies and agrees that it will not use <br />funds provided through this Agreement to pay for entertainment, meals or gifts. <br />S. Lobbying. SUBRECIPIENT certifies that it w ill c omply w ith f ederal la w ( 31 <br />U.S.C. 1352) and regulations found at 24 C FR Part 87, which provide that no appropriated funds <br />may be expended by the recipient of a federal contract, grant, loan or cooperative agreement to pay <br />any person f or i nfluencing or attempting t o i nfluence a n of ficer or e mployee of a ny a gency, <br />Member of Congress, or an of ficer or employee of a M ember of C ongress i n c onnection w ith <br />awarding of a ny f ederal c ontract, t he in aking of a ny f ederal g rant or 1 oan, e ntering into any <br />cooperative a greement a nd t he a xtension, r enewal, a mendment or in odification of any federal <br />contract, grant, loan or cooperative agreement. S UBRECIPIENT shall sign a certification to that <br />effect in a form as set forth in "Exhibit C ," a ttached he reto a nd by t his r eference i ncorporated <br />herein. SUBRECIPIENT shall submit said signed certification to CITY prior to performing any of <br />its obligations under this Agreement and prior to any obligation arising on the part of CITY to pay <br />any sums to SUBRECIPIENT under the terms and conditions of this Agreement. <br />If any funds other than Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be paid to <br />any person f or i nfluencing or attempting t o i nfluence a n of ficer or e mployee of a ny a gency, a <br />Member of Congress, a n of facer or e mployee of C ongress, or a n e mployee of a M ember of <br />Congress in connection with this F ederal c ontract, g rant, l oan, or c ooperative agreement, t he <br />undersigned shall complete and submit a "Disclosure Form to Report Lobbying," in accordance <br />with its instructions (see C -1). <br />14 <br />