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19E - EXHIBIT_2010-2011 ANNUIAL REPORT_11-9-27_Color
Agenda Packets / Staff Reports
City Council (2004 - Present)
19E - EXHIBIT_2010-2011 ANNUIAL REPORT_11-9-27_Color
Entry Properties
Last modified
7/22/2016 4:42:23 PM
Creation date
10/3/2011 9:28:36 AM
City Clerk
Doc Type
Agenda Packet
Community Development
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Assessment Formula: <br />Street Frontage Fee + Land Area Fee + Building Area Fee + Parcel Fee <br />1. Single- family residential uses are set at a rate of 10 cents per square foot of building pad, from one to four units are set at a flat rate of $100 per unit <br />(includes residential condos). <br />2. Multi- family residential uses of five or more units are set at 25 percent of respective base assessment rates (apartments). <br />3. Nonprofit- (501 c3) owned /occupied properties are set at 25 percent of respective base assessment rates. <br />4. Building areas are capped at a floor area ratio (FAR) of 4.0. <br />5. Government - owned /occupied properties will not be assessed and will receive no direct services. <br />6. Residential uses, regardless of the number of units, that are 100 percent project -based rental assistance programs; for example, senior housing and the <br />like, will not be assessed and will receive no direct services. <br />7. Mixed -use properties /complexes will generally be assessed based on prorated land -use ratios, using the following guidelines: <br />Commercial /Office Condos — No Residential Uses (multiple owners) <br />a. Building area fee at full building area fee rate (structured parking area excluded). <br />b. Land area fee at full land area fee rate but prorated for each unit based on ratio of unit building area to total building area. <br />c. Frontage fee at full frontage rate but prorated for each unit based on ratio of unit building area to total building area. <br />Mixed -Use Rental: Ground -Floor Commercial and Upper -Floor Residential (single owner) <br />a. Building area fee at full rate for commercial area and 25 percent commercial rate for residential area (structured parking area excluded). <br />b. Land area fee at full land area fee rate. <br />c. Frontage fee at full frontage rate. <br />Mixed -Use Condos: Ground -Floor Commercial and Upper -Floor Residential (multiple owners) <br />a. Building area fee at full rate for commercial pad areas and 10 cents per square foot of building pad area, per residential condo unit (structured parking <br />area excluded). <br />b. Land area fee at full land area fee rate for commercial pad footprint. <br />c. Frontage fee at full frontage rate for commercial units (ground floor direct frontage). <br />d. Live -work condo units where there is a clear and legally defined distinction between work space and living space will be assessed using a combination of <br />a, b, and c above. <br />Street Frontage Fee is calculated by multiplying the linear feet of street frontage of a parcel by the Street Frontage Rate ($6 per linear foot). <br />Land Area Fee is calculated by multiplying the square footage of the parcel by the Land Area Rate (10 cents per square foot) <br />Building Area Fee is calculated by multiplying the square footage of a structure, as derived from its gross exterior dimensions, by the Building Area Rate <br />(15 cents per square foot). <br />Flat Parcel Fee — each individual Assessor's Parcel is assessed the Flat Parcel Rate ($425). <br />Street Frontage Rate <br />Land Area Rate <br />Building Area Rate <br />Flat Parcel Rate <br />$6.00 per linear foot <br />10¢ per square foot <br />15¢ per square foot <br />$425 per parcel <br />47 <br />
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