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19E - EXHIBIT_2010-2011 ANNUIAL REPORT_11-9-27_Color
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City Council (2004 - Present)
19E - EXHIBIT_2010-2011 ANNUIAL REPORT_11-9-27_Color
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7/22/2016 4:42:23 PM
Creation date
10/3/2011 9:28:36 AM
City Clerk
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Agenda Packet
Community Development
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Downtown Santa Ana <br />What's next? <br />This past year has been full of significant accomplishments <br />and hard work. Downtown Inc's, Board of Directors and <br />staff have been dedicated to enhancing and refining exist- <br />ing assessment and programming. With the local econo- <br />my showing signs of improvement, DTI remains focused <br />on creating a strong foundation for a vibrant Downtown <br />community. <br />In January 2012, we will have a significant reduction in <br />funding as our boundary modification voted on in 2011 will <br />be in place. The focus will be in our Downtown core. We <br />will continue to provide the enhanced level of services in <br />safety, maintenance, physical enhancements and market- <br />ing, and work with the City and District Stakeholders to <br />keep Downtown Santa Ana a thriving urban community. <br />These are the steps we will put in place to accomplish <br />our goals: <br />District Issues - Retail. <br />It is the desire of the DTI Board of Directors to insure that measurements of success are part of the decision making in the <br />CMD. Outreach will include. surveys and evaluations to property owners, merchants and visitors, regular Town Hall <br />Meetings, and a Merchants Council with committee leadership to include a broad spectrum of stakeholders. Upon the <br />request from merchants, property owners, or residents within Downtown, we will advocate and implement additional <br />measures of service(s) in Downtown. With regular feedback from our retailers, DTI will conduct strategic marketing and <br />advertising to benefit the area with cooperative advertising campaigns that attract residents, customers, and visitors to <br />Downtown and reinforces the authenticity that the district is a thriving urban community. <br />Identify and market vacancies in the downtown. <br />Compile a database of space inventory. <br />Working with our property owners, we will assist in tenant recruitment and marketing their properties representing all <br />properties in the Community Management District. <br />i -- i <br />Oversee implementation of the parking strategy in partnership with City staff. Collaborate with the City and our <br />stakeholders in developing the long -term parking and circulation strategy for Downtown. Provide input and assist in <br />implementation of the parking and circulation elements that will be developed as part of the Downtown Parking Plan. <br />Develop /initiate incentive programs. <br />The City and DTI can work to identify appropriate incentives (examples. interior fit -out, low initial rents, and tenant <br />allowances), that can be used to attract successful tenants Downtown. This will be especially important for the first wave <br />of leases as we seek to build Downtown's upward momentum. <br />Beautifying 4t" Street with physical enhancements. <br />This may include working with corporate sponsors for hanging flower pots on the street lamps or the lighting of trees along <br />the street. Focus on key corners or gateways into downtown. <br />Downtown Offender Program. <br />Strategies for improving the quality of life in Downtown include an Offender Program. This entails chronic offenders <br />arrested within the Downtown and collaborative efforts with SAPD, social services and community partners to mitigate <br />nuisance activity. <br />Nightlife. <br />As the Downtown evening entertainment scene increases in popularity, Downtown Inc. is committed to maintaining a safe <br />and vibrant nightlife regarding dangerous or problematic patrons. Downtown Inc. coordinates with SAPD, SAFD, Private <br />Security companies, American Shield, Parking Concepts Inc., business owners, managers, and property owners to <br />collaborate on safety measures. Measures include a radio alert system, security vehicles, along with community policing <br />programs. New technologies will be evaluated for level of merit, best practices and success. <br />48 <br />
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