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• Technical feasibility as measured by presence of technical barriers such as the <br />expertise available within the government or community to implement the action; <br />• Availability of funding sources; <br />• Support from implementing entities. <br />A memorandum describing evaluation criteria and potential measures will be prepared for City <br />staff prior to the analysis of measures in Subtask 5b. <br />Subtask 5b. Analyze and Recommend Measures <br />ICLEI will utilize its CAPPA software and other off-model tools to analyze the emissions <br />reduction, cost of potential measures, and other qualitative criteria selected in subtask 5a. <br />Emissions analysis methods will be consistent with best practices as provided in guidance <br />documents by CAPCOA and ICLEI. A high-level economic analysis will be performed on each <br />potential measure, utilizing place-specific variables such as energy and labor costs to describe <br />a range of likely costs. Emissions reduction and cost will then be evaluated together to <br />determine cost-effectiveness. ICLEI will lead the cost-effectiveness analysis with support from <br />AECOM's sustainable economics team. As part of the analysis process, ICLEI will utilize its <br />new online CAPPA tool to help staff and stakeholders visualize the impact of measures in a <br />real-time setting, as described in more detail in Task 8-Stakeholder Engagement. <br />Using the findings of this analysis, ICLEI will identify a recommended suite of measures that <br />rate best on evaluation criteria and enable the City to reach the emissions reduction targets. A <br />memorandum describing the recommended suite of measures will be prepared and discussed <br />with City staff prior to inclusion in the Administrative Draft CAP. <br />Subtask 5c. Develop Implementation and Monitoring Strategy and Annual Report <br />Template <br />In collaboration with the City, ICLEI will develop a strategy for implementation of the CAP. <br />Components of the strategy will include, for each measure identified in the CAP: assigning <br />responsibility to the appropriate City department or division; establishing a timeframe for action <br />on next steps; providing cost estimates and potential funding sources; and identifying <br />opportunities to leverage existing programs. The implementation strategy will also identify <br />organizational and administrative structure approaches, such as formation of a standing Green <br />or Climate Action Team to coordinate and report on implementation. Opportunities to revise or <br />update regulatory mechanisms such as the zoning ordinance, subdivision ordinance, urban <br />design standards, and the building code will be identified as applicable. <br />The strategy will also include a recommended process for monitoring and reporting on the <br />implementation of the plan and progress toward achieving the emissions reduction target. <br />ICLEI will develop an Annual Report Template that will simplify the reporting process for the <br />City, leveraging and customizing a similar template currently under development through the <br />Statewide Energy Efficiency Collaborative; this document will be developed outside of the CAP <br />document. ICLEI will develop a framework for monitoring the implementation of <br />recommendations to reduce electricity consumption and GHG emissions. The implementation <br />and monitoring strategy will be included as a section in the CAP. <br />16 <br />25E-20