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AGREEMENT C-1-3023 <br />PROJECT P - WARNER AVENUE - WORK BY LOCATION <br />ATTACHMENT A <br />L Warner Avenue -Work by Location <br />: ; Agr3niy : :Vlfarrler Avent{e Nary a ?: :F iicatiari ::De9C[ipttiui tic woiic #liw Loroatic2a:.: : <br />Caltrans. Pacific Coast Highway (Hwy 1) 1 336 170E, 2070, gps, ce <br />Huntington Beach Fire Station / Yacht Club 2 4128 gps <br />Huntington Beach Algonquin Street / Sandra Lee Lane 3 3914 E UC, F96, es <br />Huntington Beach Bolsa Chica Street 4 3907 E I/C, F96, es, CM <br />Huntington Beach Greentree Lane / Plaza Lane 5 3858 E 1/C, F96, es <br />Huntington Beach Graham Street 6 3908 E UC, F96, es <br />Huntington Beach Springdale Street 7 3910 E I/C, F96, es <br />Huntington Beach Edwards Street 8 3911 E I/C, F96, es <br />Huntington Beach Goldenwest Street 9 3912 E I/C, F96, es <br />Huntington Beach Home Depot 10 3977 E I/C, F96, es <br />Huntington Beach Gothard Street 11 3909 E I/C, F96, es <br />Huntington Beach Nichols Street 12 3860 E I/C, F96, es <br />Huntington Beach Ash Street / Milstream Lane 13 3859 E I/C, F96, es <br />Caltrans Beach Boulevard 14 242 es <br />Huntington Beach Rotterdam Lane 15 3986 E I/C, F96, es2 <br />Huntington Beach Newland Street 16 3913 E VC, F96, es <br />Fountain Valley Magnolia Street 17 7086 <br />Fountain Valley Bushard Street 18 7085 <br />Fountain Valley Brookhurst Street 19 7080 <br />Fountain Valley Ward Street 20 7082 2070, ca,Tlll, <br />Fountain Valley Los Jardines West 21 7098 <br />Fountain Valley Euclid Street 22 7081 <br />Fountain Valley Mt Hope Street 23 7084 2070, ca,Tlll, <br />Fountain Valley Newhope Street 24 7083 <br />Santa Ana Harbor Boulevard 25 2612 WD 4 apps, ce, BT <br />Santa Ana Yale Street 26 2464 es-TP, ee-TP <br />Santa Ana Susan Street 27 2611 N I/C-TP, es-TP, e;-TP <br />Santa Ana Fairview Street 28 2610 2070 ca, mod L - SD, N UC, <br />Santa Ana Greenville Street 29 2463 N 1/C, es-F <br />Santa Ana Raitt Street 30 2609 es-TP, ee-TP <br />Santa Ana Bike Trail Xing 31 2608 es-TP, ee-TP <br />Santa Ana Pacific Avenue 32 2462 es-TP, ee-TP <br />Santa Ana Bristol Street 33 2601 E I/C, F24, es, BT <br />Santa Ana Flower Street 34 2602 E I/C, F24, es-F, VS <br />Santa Ana Main Street 35 2603 es-F, ee-TP, BT <br />Santa Ana Bike Trail Xing 36 2646 ee-TP <br />Santa Ana Halladay Street 37 2604 es-TP, ee-TP <br />Santa Ana Standard Avenue 38 2605, WD, W, es-TP, ea-TP, ce <br />Santa Ana Fire Signal 39 2647 ee-TP <br />Santa Ana Grand Avenue 40 2606 E I/C, F24, VS, mod L - SD, oe, W, BT <br />Santa Ana Wright Street 41 2607 <br />Santa Ana Pullman Street 42 2613 <br />Tustin Red Hill Avenue 43 5436 ca, s <br />u = oontroiler unit; ca = controller assembly includes cu + all necessary equipment and appurtenances + es; ce = cabinet equipment; as = ethernet switch; FS = <br />Fiber Switch; ee = ethernet extender; gps = gps interface and antennae installed; 2070 = 2070 Com## - 2070 Communication Module, 170E - Field Master, CM = <br />Modem - Communication Module; C = CenTracs; TAC = TACTICS; ASCL = ACS Lite; A = Aries; BB = Battery Backup System; Existing or New I/C = <br />Interconnect Conduit with media; media - F = Fiber Optic, TP = ## pair Twisted; VD = Video Detection; WD - Wireless Detection SD - System Detection; VS = <br />Video Surveillance System; W = WiFi; BT- Bluetooth; L = Loop Detector, EVP = Emergency veh. pre-erupt; T ##=Type 11 or III Electrical Service; a # following <br />dern codes= quantity (i.e. L42 =install 42 loop detectors); • =shared ownership; •' following task code= NOT APART, agency pays 100% for that task only; in- <br />cu = modify existing controller. New controller may be substituted if functionally equivalent CONSULTANT is cautioned to verify interconnect components In <br />field. <br />All equipment is fumished and installed and/or modify existing installation with 1 year guaranty on labor and material. Fimtware and Software Upgrades for installed <br />specified systems are Included in the installed price for a period of 3 years. Excludes new software for new features not originally installed nor specified to be <br />installed and included. Removal of existing equipment and appurtenances is included in the furnish and install or modify existing installation price. PS & E play be <br />available at no cost to the Consuttant from Project Agencies. <br />25B-49