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EXI3Ii3I1: ? <br />GST CRIlYIEMAP 5.0 FU3VCTIdNAL SPI<JCI£'ICATIONS <br />GST Critxte]VIap S is user-friendly tool that utilizes database querying and analytical tools <br />specifica]Iy far public safety agencies. Tlie program enables the user to view location-specific <br />crime :data though:tlte 73SRI ArclVlap interface and perform various types of analyses and repni?t <br />creation. CrimeMap 5 has a customizable interface that allows for a full range of capabilities tlxal <br />enables routine. tasks to be performed more efficiently. <br />1. .Search <br />a. Connect to any 71iSS SQL Server database and perform queries off any table or <br />view like incidents, IVIO, vehicles, suspects, Megtu?s; ]?arolees <br />b: Easily build ;your own search forms for your requirements <br />c_ Support three ditT'erent kinds of location based searches to the. search forms <br />• Radius search based on an address <br />• Radius search based on a point seletaed on the map <br />• Radius search around landmarks/POIs stored in a database <br />d. Supports mnlt??le modules to query date fields like 73013, reporting <br />date, incident date, etc. <br />• Search by date-range <br />• Search by time range <br />• Search by day ofthe week <br />e. Support multiple Grid. based search modules (e.g. Crime Types, City, Reporting <br />Districts, Zones, Race, etc,) <br />Cup)•rlgh7 G?oSpu//nl Techua/ogles, Lie .? <br />Copyi•ighY2009 GeoSpatial Technolo?Ies, Inc. <br />3130'$. 1:-larborBlvd. Suite 430 <br />Santa Att , CA 92708 <br />Tel: (7i4) 434-993?Fauc: (714)434-9937 <br />wrvw,geospatla Itech. cons <br />June 1, 200y