Laserfiche WebLink
f. Build your-own queries using the easy to use query builder <br />g. SQL enthusiasts can type their o?vn SQL queries <br />h. Save uniirated number ofsearches for iiuture use <br />i. MPp display of search results :in ESRI ArcMap <br />j. Easly.a_ssignsymbols based on Crime Types or UCFt/Crirne Codes <br />k. Create a•eports on the click of a button <br />i. Perform analysis on the searched results <br />2. Analysis <br />a. Perform hotspot analysis based on a polygon layer, or a regular CatYesian grid <br />b. Perform duplicate:analysis <br />c. Create an outerbonndaryofail selected cases <br />d. Perform threshold analysis wi[h anytwo time periods and. normalize the results by <br />area/number ofdays <br />e. Run a lime series for a:tt?*?;TT,Ated view in ESRI ArcMap <br />f. Create a series plot to connect incidents in a sequeaice by arrows <br />3. Reports <br />a. Createdifferenttypes ofreports; <br />+ Tf?bu]ar <br />+ Detailed (Sweep report, Megans/Parolees report, etc.) <br />• Summary Report <br />• Bar C3raph <br />• Pie Chart (2D and 3Dj <br />b. Export the: reports to: a PDF file, MS Word,. MS Excel <br />c_ Export the graphs charts to: images to embed them in your presentation and <br />reports. <br />d_ Save multiple2emplates for each report for future use <br />4. Importing, LdiiIng,_and Geocoding <br />a. Import data from text files, MS Excel files,'ArIS Access databases, MS SQL <br />Servers and DBF files. <br />b. Edit the imported data <br />c_ Geoeode individual records orbatch geocode using the ArclVlap based. geocodcr <br />on the click. of a .button <br />d. Manually geocode lmown addresses which' won't geocode otherwise <br />e_ Maintain a ]ookup table far known locations or landmarks with their co-ordinates <br />and.use this to geocode the'ineidents <br />5. D'iiscellaneous <br />a. Supports ESRI ArcGIS 9.Z and above <br />b. Users familiar with ESRI ArcGTS cannse ESRI Arclviap for map construction <br />Cnp??lgh/CenSpo!/al TsLno/ngier Ti,n. 2