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EXTiIBIT D <br />?? <br />- GeoSpat/a! Technologies, Inc. <br />Software Anneal Matntenance Agreement <br />GeoSpatial Technologies, Inc.. (hereinafter referred Eo as GST) shall. provide maintenance and support <br />services under this Softaare Annual.Maintenance Agreement (hereinafter referred to as Agreetnent) far- <br />.City of Santa Ana Police D?artment (hereinaRer referred to as Customer) during the period <br />approximately .2009 through _ 20__, with op#iotts to extend for addition d years, <br />upon payment of the armua! maintentnce-fee for the products listed lit the Purchase Contract. <br />I. .PRODUCTS COVERED <br />GST maintenance and support services areprovided Duty for the sofhvxre products listed in. the Purchase <br />Contract or Purchase Order with the entire amount of Software Antnral Maintenance Fee paid in fu11 on or <br />before the camrnencement ofeach'I2-month peciod. <br />YI. iYIAIhiTENAI?ICE AND SUPPOIZT <br />t3ST shaL1 provide maintenance and fio the End User. Maintenance and support services <br />shall include, but noY 1'smitcd to. <br />(a) Telephone and fi-mail Support: GST will provide telephone and a-mail assistance. You must provide <br />GST wuth remote access through the intcmet xo the computers installed. with.-GST software. By <br />ceiling the GST technical support number, you will reach a tt-ained support analyst of whom you may <br />ask questions or seek advice relating to the rase of GST sofhvaro. The analyst vvill assist you in <br />utiL',_ing your t3ST sofhvere, .and in identifying and providing a. tivork around, if possible, for any <br />software problems found. with QST sofhvare_ t3ST support services do nat include hacd?vare, <br />net?vark, operating systems, or third party salt;ware. <br />Support will be provided weekdays from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Pacifac Standard Time, excluding <br />wedkends and' holidays. <br />(b) Respcxnse Times: In the.. evaat titer the End User rxperienees a critical svstern failure. which shall be <br />deemed to have occurred if the system is down or inoperable, meaning that.the End User cartnot use <br />the System and/or the System as off--line, for longer than-'h hour, GST shall respond and look into <br />correcting the problem .immediately upon receipt of a call far service and following .the receipt of <br />notif"icetion and relevant documentation o?Fthe prabletn. For all. other non-critical fliihrres,-CrST sh?li <br />respond and attempt to correct the problem within four(4) hours upon receipt of a call for service and <br />following the receipt of notification and relevant documentation of the problerrt. If problems cannot <br />be reso]vcd withitt four (d) .hours, the problem will- be automatically escalated to tlpplication <br />Technical Lead or tlae VP of Product Managemont fot resolution. After consultation botween the VP <br />of Product 2Vlanagernent and strpport staff, GST will provide a plan of action for resolution to the Sad <br />'User. <br />(c) Bug-faces and Upgrades: CrST will provide bug-fixes and upgrades to the. C35T software when they <br />are available at no additional charge during ttae term of the maintenance program. <br />Customer name