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Route 91 Freeway HOV - Route 55 to Riverside County Line in Anaheim, & Yorba <br />Linda, California for the California Private Transportation Corp. thru Kiewit 91. <br />The scope of work involved providing quality control /quality assurance verification <br />surveys as needed for the construction of 10 miles of new privatized HOV tollways. The <br />project included numerous retaining walls & soundwalls, median paving, bridge <br />widening, major interchange redesign, detours, and all associated survey control - <br />conventional and GPS. <br />• Route 110 Freeway - Gardena Blvd. to Redondo Beach Blvd. in Los Angeles, <br />California for Caltrans - District 7. Work consisted of construction staking on the <br />Harbor Freeway from 0.1 mile north of Gardena Boulevard to Redondo Beach <br />Boulevard: marking 100 feet stations and B.C. and E.C. points along freeway shoulder <br />and 100 feet stations along Redondo Beach Boulevard; marking rough cut line and <br />grade for retaining wall and soundwall footings; marking various saw cut lines; staking <br />for retaining walls, soundwalls, and drainage structures; cross - section existing cross <br />streets and freeway shoulder areas for quantity calculations; and miscellaneous <br />construction staking as required. <br />San Joaquin Hills Transportation Corridor State Route 73) in Orange County, <br />California for the Transportation Corridor Agencies. Work consisted of; preparation <br />and /or review of legal descriptions and sketches, acreage calculations, and exhibits for <br />various properties; preparation and revision of constraints maps; review preliminary title <br />reports along with revisions or updates; provide fee credit acreage calculations and <br />exhibit maps; reviewing final policies of title and policy binders for accuracy of <br />descriptions; field reconnaissance with builders surveyor of all horizontal and vertical <br />control monumentation; maintain primary control network; staking the perimeters of no- <br />work or limited -work areas designated as archaeological or biological resources; <br />providing oversight verification surveys as directed by the Construction Engineering <br />Manager (CEM) for bridges, structures, walls, drainage, slopes, and finished surfaces <br />as needed for the construction of 20 miles of new tollways. <br />Shoemaker Avenue - Bridge over Route 91 Freeway in Cerritos, California for the <br />City of Cerritos thru Sverdrup Corporation. Work consisted of Construction Staking <br />for new bridge overcrossing the Route 91 Freeway at Shoemaker Avenue. Started <br />project by cross - sectioning existing dirt ramps and determining volume between existing <br />grades and proposed rough grade. Searched for and recovered existing <br />monumentation on Shoemaker Avenue and Route 91 to verify proposed alignment and <br />perpetuate monuments through construction phase. Staked bridge abutments, column <br />locations, falsework layout, edge of deck for superstructure alignment and soundwalls. <br />Work included curb and gutter, light pole locations, bridge wing walls, and deck grades. <br />Los Angeles River Bridge on the Pasadena Blue Line in Los Angeles, California <br />for the Metropolitan Transportation Authority thru Kiewit Pacific Company. Work <br />consisted of construction staking for new bridge over the Los Angeles River for the <br />Pasadena Blue Line including: horizontal and vertical control; rough grade for <br />abutments, bents and retaining wall; final layout for abutments, bents, soffit, bridge <br />deck, dowels, direct fixation rails, and retaining walls; locate 32 shafts; and provide <br />office calculations and support. <br />