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(5) Provide as a minimum three (3) references for the projects cited as related <br />experience, and furnish the name, title, address and telephone number of the <br />person(s) at the client organization who is most knowledgeable about the work <br />performed. Consultant may also supply references from other work not cited in <br />this section as related experience (See ATTACHMENT 3). <br />b. Proposed Staffing and Project Organization <br />This section of the proposal should establish the method, which will be used by the <br />Consultant to manage the project as well as identify key personnel assigned. The <br />Consultant shall: <br />(1) Provide education, experience, and applicable professional credentials of <br />project staff. <br />(2) Furnish brief resumes (not more than two [2] pages each) for the proposed <br />Project Manager and other key personnel. <br />(3) Indicate adequacy of labor resources utilizing a table projecting the labor-hour <br />allocation to the project by individual task. <br />(4) Identify key personnel proposed to perform the work in the specified tasks and <br />include major areas of subcontract work. Include the person's name, current <br />location, proposed position for this project, current assignment, level of <br />commitment to that assignment, availability for this assignment and how long <br />each person has been with the firm. <br />(5) Include a project organization chart, which clearly delineates <br />communication/reporting relationships among the project staff. <br />(6) Include a statement that key personnel will be available to the extent proposed <br />for the duration of the project acknowledging that no person designated as "key" <br />to the project shall be removed or replaced without the prior written concurrence <br />of the City. <br />c. Work Plan <br />Consultant should provide a narrative, which addresses the Scope of Work, and <br />shows Consultant's understanding of City's needs and requirements. The Consultant <br />shall: <br />(1) Describe the approach to completing the tasks specified in the Scope of Work. <br />The work plan shall be of such detail to demonstrate the Consultants ability to <br />accomplish the project objectives. <br />(2) Outline sequentially the activities that would be undertaken in completing the <br />Page 5 of 27 <br />19E-7