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I: INTRODUCTION <br />The City of Santa Ana is requesting proposals from planning and environmental consulting <br />firms for preparation of an environmental impact report (EIR) fora new parking structure for <br />Mater Dei High School at 1202 West Edinger Avenue, Santa Ana. The scope of work may <br />include any and all work efforts related to the analysis, preparation, community outreach and <br />related compliance with CEQA and/or NEPA (if required). This will include the preparation of <br />an EIR and required technical studies, on-call consulting on as needed basis, and <br />attendance at public hearings. <br />11. PROJECT DESCRIPTION <br />Mater Dei High School has submitted a proposal to the City to construct a new parking <br />structure for use by the high school. The proposed structure will be three stories in height <br />(approximately 25 feet), and will accommodate 990 vehicles. Access to the structure will be <br />provided from the existing campus parking lot at the north and from St. Andrew Street at the <br />south. To accommodate the project, Mater Dei will need to acquire 19 privately-owned <br />parcels of land that are currently occupied by single-family residences. <br />Several discretionary actions will be required for the project. In addition to the EIR, the <br />discretionary actions will include a zone change (Amendment Application) and general plan <br />amendment for the 19 single-family residential lots, an amendment to an existing <br />development agreement, and the partial abandonment of three streets. Further, a lot merger <br />to combine the parcels with the Mater Dei campus will be needed. <br />III. SCOPE OF SERVICES <br />The Consultant shall provide technical environmental services under the direction of City <br />staff. The Consultant will be expected to provide experienced and knowledgeable <br />professional staff. The Consultants' Project Manager and staff shall be responsive and <br />maintain excellent working relationships with project applicant, property owners, developers <br />and City staff. The Consultant shall be committed to provide adequate staffing levels at all <br />times in order to adhere to established schedules. The Consultant shall be knowledgeable <br />and very familiar with federal, state and local regulations, policies and procedures as they <br />pertain to CEQA and NEPA services provided. <br />Consultant services may include attendance at appropriate City Commission, City Council <br />..and neighborhood meetings, and preparation of studies and technical reports. If determined <br />necessary, the consultant shall be required to discuss the project with City Staff and <br />applicant within two-weeks of approving proposal and receiving the notice to proceed from <br />the City. At that time staff and applicant will provide all information pertinent to the project. <br />It shall be the responsibility of the selected consultant to prepare the appropriate environmental <br />documentation in conformance with the California Environmental Quality Act. The City staff <br />shall work closely with the consultant in achieving a legally defensible document. As part of <br />the proposed EIR, the following shall be addressed. Please identify. the scope of work and <br />related cost estimate by the categories listed below. <br />25A-11