Laserfiche WebLink
htt : / /www.careeronesto .or /Com 'etenols to build career C sites is for spec provides tools to tools or <br />customize industry models, as well as to <br />economies. ompetency Models both <br />Career Clusters and Indusa not duplica 1 e The Career Clusters Iidnk to specific career <br />technical competencies, but they <br />pathways in sixteen career cluster are �aasurement criteria; scope and sequence nof courses inra <br />curriculum performance objectives, m <br />program of study; and development of assessments, information about the sixteen career <br />accessing: www.careerclusters.or . <br />cluster areas can be found by g' <br />ETA has distributed an electronic Tuide to St to is design d tofprovidetano support <br />analysis and informed decision making. to merit Notice <br />understanding of State and local labor Market informatio/wo n Tra Wing and Employment on <br />various topics for a wide variety of users. To view this guide <br />No. 19 -10, please visit: http' / /wdr doleta.g .Qv/ directives /attachlTEN19- 10,Pf-. <br />_ erection- IX .- OthEx_inforrnati.on---- - - - - -- <br />OMB Information Collection No. 1225 -0086 <br />livild 11 rsons are required to respond <br />According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995,.no pe <br />to a collection of information unles� such <br />of In is estimated to.a eoragei20 hours epj� <br />Public reporting burden for this existing data sources, gathering <br />response, including time for reviewing instructions, searching 9 <br />and maintaining the data needed, and estimated completing <br />anynother aspect collection of infortmation, <br />Send comments about the burden e <br />including suggestions for reducing this burden, <br />Constitution he n A Dnpe NWn of Labo N1 301, <br />attention <br />of the Departmental Clearance Officer, _ dol. ov. <br />Washington, DC 20210. comments, <br />H1ntCOMPLETED APPLICATION TO THIS ADDR SS. SEND IT <br />PLEASE DO NOT RETURN T <br />TO THE SPONSORING AGENCY AS SPECIFIED IN THIS SOL{Cing aI The information <br />This information is'being collected for the purpose of awarding grant. <br />collected through this "Solicitation for Grant Applications" will be used by the Department of . <br />Labor to ensure that grants are awarded to the applicant best suited to perform the functions of <br />ation is required in order for the applicant to be considered <br />the grant. Submission of this inform <br />for award of this grant. <br />Signed on May 2, 2011, in Washington, D:C. by: <br />Thomas Martin <br />Grant Officer, Employment and Training Administration <br />lL '1', <br />