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at this time. This LOC is not a contract and only covers the intent to serve and partners' roles in the <br />project. <br />PARTNER ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES <br />In order to provide the full scope of work outlined above and in the grant application, the <br />responsibilities of each partnering agency will include: <br />WORI(F ORCE PARTNERS <br />Each Workforce Partner will provide services and activities as outlined in the grant narrative and <br />workplan, including: <br />1, Provide staff to participate in the project's ongoing collaborative planning, implementation, and <br />activities <br />2. Conduct outreach and recruitment for grant 'Participants, <br />The Santa Ana Workforce Investment Board will further provide services and activities as outlined in <br />the grant narrative and workplan including: <br />1, Serve as the contractual and administrative lead agency and be responsible for fiscal management, <br />subcontracting, and grant reporting. <br />2, Provide WIA eligibility assessment, enrollment, skills and interest assessment, and case management for <br />two cohorts, of 33 -35 OC 132E participants per cohort, for each of the first three years of the grant period. <br />3. Coordinate with their local community college and Growth Sector's Student Support Services to ensure <br />individualized wraparound, services for each participant in the program. <br />4. Provide its full complement of workforce services, including the services of its One Stop Career <br />Centers. One Stop services include job search workshops such as resume building, interview practice, <br />and soft skills development. <br />5. Leverage its WIB to create internship and mentoring opportunities for OC B2E participants <br />G. Make available its One Stop facilities for workshops, team building, and other program elements. <br />7. Conduct outreach to its full range of relevant workforce partners, as well as WIB board members, . <br />including businesses, social services and local government partners to provide opportunities and <br />support for OC 132E participant <br />Growth Sector will provide services and activities as outlined in the grant narrative and workplan <br />including: <br />1. Provide project management and coordination to the OC B2E Coalition to ensure progress toward the <br />Coalition's goals <br />2. Serve as the employer. of record for Student Support Specialists at each community college. <br />3. Coordinate third -party review process for curriculum deliverables <br />4• Conduct employer outreach and development <br />5. Develop a resource and sustainability plan <br />EDUCATION PARTNERS <br />All Education Partners (Canada Saddleback an•d Santa Ana Community Colleges, CSU Fullerton <br />and UC Irvine) will provide services and activities as outlined in the grant narrative and workplan, <br />including: <br />l • Provide staff to participate in the project's ongoing collaborative planning, implementation, and <br />activities, with the time required for this purpose, including providing a stipended faculty member to <br />serve on the Instructional Design Team. <br />2. Provide facilities and instruction for OC B2E as specified in the grant. <br />Saddleback and Santa Ana Community College Partners will provide services and activities as <br />20A -74 <br />