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ZOA No. 2012 -01, DA No. 2004 -03, <br />VTTM No. 2012 -01, and SPR No. 2012 -01 <br />February 13, 2012 <br />Page 5 <br />activity. The project site is consistent with this General Plan land use designation. The site is <br />surrounded by residential and retail uses to the north; office development to the south; office and retail <br />uses to the east; and residential uses to the west. <br />The zoning for the site is MacArthur Place District Center, Specific Development District No. 43. <br />This zone allows for a mix of uses including office, restaurant, retail, hotel and residential land uses. <br />The applicant has requested several amendments to SD 43 in order to allow for an increase in the <br />total number of units permitted within the zone, a reduction in the amount of open space required <br />per unit, a reduction in the overall parking ratio for the project, and to allow for tandem parking, <br />which is not currently allowed in this zone for residential development. With these amendments, the <br />proposed project would be consistent with the zoning designation. <br />Proiect Analysis <br />Zoning Ordinance Amendment — the applicant is requesting amendments to the existing zoning, SD 43 <br />to increase the maximum number of permitted residential units, reduce the parking ratio, allow for the <br />use of tandem parking stalls, and reduce the open space requirement. Each of these requested <br />amendments is analyzed in more detail below. <br />Increase in Maximum Number of Residential Units — SD 43 currently allows a maximum of 624 <br />residential units. MacArthur Place currently has two residential developments with a total of 346 units. <br />The Pinnacle Apartments, located at the northeast corner of Main Street and MacArthur Boulevard, <br />was approved in 1993 and contains 273 units. The Vantage Townhomes development was approved <br />to allow 93 for -sale units. The Met is proposed to contain 284 units, which, added to the existing 346 <br />units, exceeds the maximum permitted units by six. The applicant is requesting an amendment to SD <br />43 to increase the maximum number of permitted units to 630. Amendments to SD 43 are needed to <br />Section III.A.2 (Maximum Permitted Building Density /intensity) and to Section V. (Development <br />Standards /Residential Permitted Density). It is proposed that these sections be modified to allow 630 <br />units, which will include the existing 346 units and the proposed 284 -unit development. <br />Reduction in Multi - Family Residential Parking Ratio — Additionally, amendments are needed to revise <br />the parking requirements for multi - family residential uses. SD 43 currently has a graduated parking <br />ratio for individual units based on bedroom count and a similar graduated guest parking ratio based on <br />the overall unit count. As proposed, the project will provide a total of 632 spaces at an overall ratio of <br />2.2 spaces per unit, regardless of bedroom count, and inclusive of guest parking, which provides seven <br />more spaces than the 2.2 per unit ratio. The parking standards contained within SD 43, if applied to <br />the proposed project, would require a total of 642 parking spaces — 601 for the units and 41 for guest <br />parking. This creates the need for a reduction in the required parking of 17 spaces. Due to the fact that <br />the applicant proposes to provide 632 spaces, the effective reduction will be 9 spaces; however, the <br />SD should be amended to reflect the overall ratio of 2 spaces per unit and 0.2 spaces per unit for guest <br />parking. The following table provides a comparison. <br />75A -11 <br />