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ZOA No. 2012 -01, DA No. 2004 -03, <br />VTTM No. 2012 -01, and SPR No. 2012 -01 <br />February 13, 2012 <br />Page 11 <br />The documents allowing the sale of units, including the subdivision map and covenants, conditions <br />and restrictions (CC &Rs), will be recorded for the Met project as a condition of approval, which <br />allows Vineyard the ability to sell units in the future. <br />Site Plan Review <br />Section 41- 593.5(c) of the Santa Ana Municipal Code requires a review by the Planning Commission of <br />all plans within a specific development plan area to ensure the project is in conformity with the plan's <br />development standards. As previously discussed, the proposed project lies within the MacArthur Place <br />District Center Specific Development (SD 43) and the applicant has requested several amendments to <br />the SD in order to accommodate the project. In addition to analyzing the project's conformance with <br />the zoning standards, Site Plan Review also addresses project features such as architecture, <br />landscaping, amenities, public realm features and building materials. <br />Remnant Property <br />The project site for The Met is a 3.1 acre parcel and, as proposed, the apartment project and its <br />attendant improvements will only occupy 2.5 acres, leaving a remnant of 0.6 acres. The proposed site <br />plan treats this remnant as an area that is not integrated into the project and that will include perimeter <br />trees to screen the vacant lot. It will not exist as a separate legal parcel. Although there is no proposal <br />at this time, the developer has stated that they wish to reserve this remnant for potential future <br />development, and, as such, have not integrated it into a comprehensive site plan. If the proposed <br />project is approved, the remnant will not be vested with any development rights, nor will it have any <br />permitted use, such as additional open space for the project's tenants. If the developer, or subsequent <br />property owner, wish to develop the remnant in the future, the property would need to go through a <br />new entitlement process that could include a zone amendment, parcel map and environmental review. <br />Planning Commission Review <br />On January 23, 2012 the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing to consider the adoption of <br />the various discretionary actions. During the hearing the public provided oral and written testimony <br />regarding the actions required for the proposed Met project. Following the public hearing, the Planning <br />Commission continued the item to the February 13, 2012 hearing in order to allow all of the Planning <br />Commissioners an opportunity to be present. <br />Public Notification <br />The project site is not located within a neighborhood association, but is adjacent to the Sandpointe <br />Neighborhood Association. Given Sandpointe's involvement in the entitlements for MacArthur Place <br />and MacArthur Place South, City staff directed the applicant to meet with the Association Board to <br />discuss and review the revised project. A meeting occurred in November 2011. A follow -up <br />meeting was held on January 18, 2012 to provide an update and obtain feedback on the proposed <br />project. <br />75A -17 <br />