Laserfiche WebLink
Type Case <br />Metadata entry (indexing and document names) should be in mixed case where the first letter of each <br />word is capitalized and the remaining letters are in lower case. <br />Microfilm Rolls <br />• Each microfilm roll is in a box and generally includes COSA Fire Department incident report <br />documents in date sequence for a date range, usually 6 months. <br />• Document Name - Each roll will be scanned and stored as one document, using the following <br />naming convention from information identified on the roll label: <br />Incident Reports <Date Range> <br />• Folder Structure — A top -level "Fire" folder will be created which will contain an "Incident Reports" <br />sub - folder which will contain ten year range sub - folders. Documents will be placed in the ten year <br />range sub - folders according to the year of the document. The folder structure will look as follows: <br />\Fire <br />Incident Reports <br />1960-1969 <br />1970-1979 <br />1980-1989 <br />1990-1999 <br />2000 —2009 <br />• Indexing — The "Fire" index template will be used with the following fields populated. <br />Field Value <br />Document Type Incident Reports <br />Date Range the date range from the roll label, i.e.: 01/01/1969- 06/30/1969 <br />Microfiche Sheets <br />• Microfiche sheets contain property- related documents. <br />• One or more microfiche sheets are stored in a jacket (envelop) for each property address in the city. <br />• When a microfiche jacket contains more than one fiche sheet, they will be scanned in the order they <br />appear in the jacket as one multi-page document. <br />• Page removal <br />o Accuflex will not include certain pages that meet criteria provided by COSA (established during <br />the sample test scans). <br />• Document Name - Each set of sheets per property address will be scanned and stored as one <br />document, using the following naming convention from information identified on the jacket: <br />< Address> (i.e.: 3100 W Adams) <br />4of6 <br />