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NS-2831 - Approving an Amended Develpment Agreement Between City of Santa Ana VDC at Met...
2011 - 2020 (NS-2813 - NS-3000)
2012 (NS-2826 - NS-2840)
NS-2831 - Approving an Amended Develpment Agreement Between City of Santa Ana VDC at Met...
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6/7/2012 5:26:18 PM
City Clerk
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supplement the »kiligation measures and conditions of approval imposed by the City of their <br />rospcolido dovo(op- monts, Thoso lmmprovoments are set forilt in Exhibit A, attached hereto and inado <br />a part hereof by tills ralbraneo ("hnprovemon(e ). <br />F. The Agonoy Is willing to assist In the Autding of file Improvoments but only from fi <br />portion of ttto lax lnoromaill aottiolly gonerated by theNoxtts aii4 penova Coiriniols Projects turd to <br />Nnd spwlfled Improvoments that would reduce. blight and benef(l tho projcot Area. <br />Cl, The City's partio(pattoi In this Agtcomont is limited to coordinotlon offuriding <br />m d/or consituatlon of eetialn, With speoffled publioly owned improvements <br />11, Noxus has agrocd to constniot some of Vie Improvenionts, andpny for (ho <br />construellon of others, as more fitily sat forth below ( "Nexus Improvements' ), <br />I. Genova Cottntons has agreed to pay for a pgrilun of the Noxtts bnprovonron(s, <br />NOW, TllRRUFORB, the padlos hereto do nmtt(ally agroo as follows; <br />SCOM OIL WORK <br />A. Noxus shall cottstniol and/or fluid the hnprovetnctils Idctititicd as "Nexus <br />Iniprovomonw" In Udbit A horoto according to the schodulo set forllt In 33al6103 to this <br />Agroomo(t, allaolied herato and htootporated heroin by tins roforonco, Nexus shall bo ontilled to <br />M111190 of 1.110 hutch doposited in Illo NoxusAsorow (o undarlako tho Nexus Improvements, <br />B. In considorallon for Nexus' agroe)iien( to consituct and/or ftnul tho Nexus <br />Improvonotit, 420110ya Coaunotis agrees to vontdbute it sum equal to its pro -rata sharo ofresidendal <br />units belweon itself and Nexus (whlah is oturently twouty -livo porcont (25 %) purstiant to those <br />nunibera act forth In aootlons A and B of the Reollyds above) oftlto cost of rho Noxus <br />Improvements, towards (lie cost 1hereotpayable at the time called 1br below, Notwithstanding (ire <br />forogohig, if Nexus hes.not oxeculed tills Agreomoul prlor to the data this Agreemont becomes <br />binding on donova Commons (wh(oh the patties agreashall conoluslvoly deemed to to Iho Brat day <br />upon wbioit tluo Agreement lira been oxecuted by Geneva Coninrots, (ho City; lhgAgotioy and <br />Sandpoinip), then C'ronova Co]nin0lts pro -rata share conhibullon to the Noxts )?Morow shall be <br />conclusively fixed at twenty -five (25 %) regardless of Iho aotttai nutmbor ofxosideiiilel (snits <br />approved tour It and Noxtts, <br />C. If the enilro Noxus and C3oneva Conuuons Projeo.18 fire 00114(moted, Agency shalt <br />031130 rho c011*110Non oftlto fmprovonlonts idontlfied as "1'ublloly -0wned Imliroventcnts" Ili <br />13xl9611 Aherelo according to the scheduloset forth Inlixhibil C to this Agreotnont, attached hereto <br />and incorporalcd heroin by this reforonoo. 'The patties aoknowledgo raid agrco that the lolat east_ of <br />the publioly owned Improvotnonts, inoluding aludles, dosign and overhead , shall riot exceed .Vivo <br />Million Dollars ($6,000,000.00), <br />F�BIT A <br />Ordinance No, NS -2800. <br />Page 81 of 81 <br />
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