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NS-2831 - Approving an Amended Develpment Agreement Between City of Santa Ana VDC at Met...
2011 - 2020 (NS-2813 - NS-3000)
2012 (NS-2826 - NS-2840)
NS-2831 - Approving an Amended Develpment Agreement Between City of Santa Ana VDC at Met...
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6/7/2012 5:26:18 PM
City Clerk
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21 COMPENSATI0N AND lvlSTROD OF PAYM13NT <br />A. Nexus shall, ivAhlnsixty (60) days ofoxebutionofthis Agreement, upon an escrow <br />aocount at ititst Amorioan Title Insurance Company, 2 First Amorlaalt Wny, Santa Ana, Collfomla, <br />or an ego1valent escrow company approved In advance by Genova Conuttons and Sattdpointo, for <br />deposit ofRulds to be used to pay for the Noxuslmprovemcrt(s (roferred to horoln m iho 'Noxus <br />Escrow'), <br />D. Sandpohtto shall deposit $1,000.003nto'ticeNexus Dscrow on tho Kwrow <br />Subnitssloli Date no later [hall trio date (Ito of of <br />this Agroumon(, <br />C. prior to thodoadlinospeolfled ht paragraph 2.D, of this Agreement, Noxus nud <br />Genova Commons shall sleet and c 1MV In good faitb to ogroo upon Vie cs(hnated cast of tho <br />Nexus ilnprevamanEs, if, t<t arty Elute, 0fglorGcnovat;.`ottmtons or Ncxus dctermJttos thatsllolt <br />agmentant is not possible, Uten the objecting patty shall submit fit dispute In wilting, tegethor wilts <br />airy eviclonco upon �vhloh 1t relies to City's Pablio Works Agency and <br />1110 olhor party. Wllhln fifteen (15) days of lls receipt ofsald ualco, ilia non- objeoting party shall <br />thenhave ffteen 05) clays to submit anyresponso It has to the City and Titoobjootingpony. The <br />>Elxeoutivo Dkeolor of the City's Public Works Agonoy or d mlgttco shalt titan, wlthJn d*iy (30) <br />days ofre0olpt of the response, if any, or 11-to axpiration of sald deadline, ini'orm both Genova <br />Commons and Noxus In writing of iho flont dolorl»hlation oflho esilmaled total cast, which► all <br />panics agree shall ba cottchisivo and binding upon both iTexus acid douova Commons, 171arestior, <br />Nexus attd Clonova Colnntons shall doposit Iholrrespective shnres of RIO oslimated cost of-tho. <br />Nona ImNrovonlonis as sot forth in paragmph 1.13. of this Agreoment, (ass $1,000,00, Into lice <br />Noxus Escrow no later that[ tho date speolficd In paragmph 2.D, of this Agreement, <br />10, Noxuss}tall pay Into the Nexus Lsorow no later than (1) Iho date the fitst building <br />pormit Is Issued by the City for Rho Ncxus Project, or (11) it data idnoty (90) days after the issuance <br />of enllilemen(s to Noxus, provided no 1111801lon or f0foronduni pelillon challengh)g Noxim has been <br />flled and served on the City, whichover conies later. Goneva Conunons shal( pay htto the Non's <br />Esorow no later than (i) the clato tho Mat bttllding pomi(t Is Issued by the Ct(y for tho-Genova <br />Conunons Project, or (li) a date nhiety (90) days ago, tho 1a,9uanco of onlitlemonts to aonova <br />Cotnmona, provided no litip,atton or roferOndum perttfoa oilollengblg i30110VA Comm0118 hex been <br />riled and served on tho City, whichever comes later. <br />EXHIBIT)) <br />Ordinonoo No. NS-2600 3 <br />Pago 32 of 511 <br />
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