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NS-2831 - Approving an Amended Develpment Agreement Between City of Santa Ana VDC at Met...
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2012 (NS-2826 - NS-2840)
NS-2831 - Approving an Amended Develpment Agreement Between City of Santa Ana VDC at Met...
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City Clerk
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R The Agenoy aliall Itay the City its cost hioarred by Ilto City for Ilio Publicly -Owned <br />huprovements sot forth lit BAdbit A to Oils Agreontcid; provided, bowevortliat total Coimni[Imenl <br />by the City and Agency toward the Publloly4hvned lnnprovomords shall not oxcccd EVE <br />MILLION DOLLARS ($5,000,000,00) If 1110 items set forth as Publioly -OwIW Linprovotnonle ht <br />Exhibit A Pro Ibund to cost morn than. Oils suin, thon ilteAgenoy shall, in The oxerolse of [Is solo mid <br />absolnlo discretion, limit or elfminato 1'ttbiloly�Otvnecl lniprovartteuis sot forth In Exhibit A; <br />provided, howover, that the Agenoyshall proceed with ihornibllo lyOwt.edknprovoimctits III the <br />ordor as set .forth ii. said I3x1011. <br />NBXUS CONSTRUCfiON DUtAW1N09 AND IMLATBD DOCUMENTS' <br />A. Naxos shall proparo and submit constrnclfon drawings and roloted dooutnonis for - <br />Homs hated on Exhibll A to the City for roviow (lnoluding, but not Ifntflcd to, archi(echal rdvieiv) <br />and wrilion approval as and at the times established ht Iho Suhadulo uPPorforntattoa sot forth In <br />Bxlilbit 13 to this Agreement. The consintotion drawings and related doctunonle shall besabntlttod <br />lit Iwo stogos :- (1) the Pfollmittary Silo Plana mid (11) Final Silo Plans. <br />R, During the preparallon of ail drawings and plants, City staff and Noxos shall hold <br />rogulavprogrese rncetings to coordinato the properntlon of submission to, and rovtew of . <br />construction plans and related documents by the City. Tho City staff and Nexus shall ootninun[cato <br />and consult infonlially as tlquently as is nccossary to Instue that tho fonnal subanitial of any <br />dooumonts to the City orui rccolvo proitipt and speedy conalderatlon, <br />C. Any revision or correotton of plans regnJred by Iho City shall bo deemed approved <br />by tho Agency, Cenova Commons and Sandpolnto. <br />D. Nellhor (lie City, tho Agonoy, Sandpolnto or Gonova Commons shall havo any <br />owntorship Interest 1n, or any right to ueo, tlieProllmtnoty Silo Plans or tho-Irfnal Silo flans <br />subimitted by Noxos, norshall [lie City, tlne Agortoy, Sandpolnle or Cleneva Commons oUUtorizo tiro <br />right to use any 4uohplons or drawings to any porson or onlity. <br />APPROVAL. OF NUXUS PLANS, DRAWiNa$ AND R13LATI3D DOCUMENTS <br />A. Mho City shall havo the right of reasonablo rovlow (Inoludbrg, but not limited to, <br />arohlwitrai roviow) of all plans, drawings And rolated docuatonls Moluding any proposed changes <br />theroln. 'Tho City shall approve or disapprove sucltplatts; drawingy, attd roJaled (arid airy proposed <br />changes 1horo[n) ivilWo IN tones established In rite Solredulo of P ribmianco sot forth In U0103 <br />horoto. Such approval shall not be unroasonably withheld. <br />B, Any disapproval stall state In writing Il.o reasons for disapproval, Tho City shall <br />have the right to disapprovo, in its roasonablo discretion, any of tho Final Plans if Ilse Final Plaits do <br />,tat conform to rho Approved Plans, the approved Prellminaty Piano or do riot conform to BA)Ibit A <br />to this ASmoinent, or aro incornpleto, <br />BXHll3'1'1' D <br />A Ordinance No, NS -2080 <br />Page 33 of 01 <br />
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