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Bat Nha Buddhist Meditation Center MND I City of Santa Ana Planning Division <br />Task 2a. Prepare Aesthetics Evaluation to Include in IS/MND <br />Because the project would result in large-scale changes in visual bulk and scale of development within the <br />residentially designated project vicinity, this scope of work includes preparation of a detailed aesthetics analysis <br />as detailed below: <br />Aesthetic/Light and Glare Analysis <br />Because potential aesthetic Impacts may occur from the change from existing conditions and development of <br />the proposed meditation facility that will Include a 45-foot high structure adjacent to existing single family <br />residential uses. ICF's visual resources specialist will prepare a detailed visual analysis that will address impacts <br />to the aesthetic conditions in the surrounding vicinity. The visual analysis will provide a narrative of the physical <br />setting will be presented in terms of the visual character and quality of the viewsheds, key vantage points <br />(vistas), and Important visual resources within the project viewshed. Additionally, the setting will include an <br />Inventory of the viewer groups that have visual access to the site, along with their relative sensitivity to changes <br />In views, and will identify the applicable aesthetic policies In the general plan, and development standards in the <br />zoning ordinance that may be relevant to the project. <br />ICF will provide a qualitative evaluation of the changes to the visual environment that would occur as a result of <br />the project. The analysis would focus on project's features that have the capability of modifying the aesthetic <br />character and quality of the project area and are the most sensitive public views, which include the bulk and <br />scale of the proposed structures. Additionally, we will evaluate the project in terms of visual/aesthetic goals, <br />objectives, and policies contained in relevant planning programs. Mitigation measures will be explored and <br />recommended, as appropriate. <br />This analysis would utilize the project plans visual simulations, renderings and elevation graphics provided by <br />the applicant. We also assume that any proposed features such as planting plans, lighting plans, and proposed <br />aesthetic treatments will be supplied by the applicant. <br />ICF will conduct an analysis of light and glare that could be generated by the project. We will identify existing <br />lighting sources in the project area, and determine the sensitivity for the introduction of new lighting sources on <br />the project site. We will review lighting design plans, and Identify the location of receptors that may be affected <br />by the lighting system. ICF will review applicable municipal code guidance for lighting, and any other standards <br />that may be used as a threshold related to light trespass limitations (€.e., spill light). Glare could potentially <br />impact nearby single-family residential uses as a result of external building lighting or lighting within the parking <br />areas If not adequately shielded. If available, ICF will also analyze the proposed exterior architectural treatments <br />of the proposed design to understand and analyze if any exterior spectral surfaces would have the potential to <br />produce fugitive glare. A qualitative assessment of the impacts from new lighting and glare will be prepared, and <br />mitigation measures will be identified if necessary, which may include design measures to minimize spill light <br />and glare. <br />Task 3. Prepare Administrative Draft IS/MND <br />To utilize time most efficiently, preparation of the technical studies would occur concurrently with preparation of <br />the administrative draft MND. ICF will prepare an administrative draft IS/MND for the project, which will include <br />an evaluation of the environmental resources contained In the CEQA Environmental Checklist. The analyses will <br />include: <br />¦ Discussion of existing conditions <br />¦ Identification, analysis, and evaluation of all potential environmental impacts <br />¦ Examination and recommendation of feasible ways to eliminate or minimize adverse environmental <br />impacts <br />N Discussion of cumulative Impacts <br />Page 13