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FULL PACKET_2012-08-06
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FULL PACKET_2012-08-06
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8/2/2012 4:22:14 PM
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Transcript of Council Comments from the July 2, 2012 City Council Meeting entered into <br />the record due to portion of the meeting losing quorum. <br />Councilmember Benavides: Just a couple of items. <br />• One, yesterday we had a fabulous Independence Day celebration at Centennial <br />Park a number of you were out there. It was an amazing fireworks show and a great <br />time for the family, music and celebration. I want to thank the committee that put it <br />together, the staff who worked diligently on making it happen and the sponsors. We <br />will be officially doing presentations and recognitions for those folks. But I do want to <br />thank everybody who was a part of that. Day after tomorrow is Independence Day, <br />4th of July I want to wish everybody a Happy Birthday to the United States, and I <br />want to encourage folks to be safe out there with the fireworks and support our local <br />nonprofits who have the firework stands out there. <br />• This coming Saturday, a couple things, to make mention, one is in the morning, 9AM <br />to noon I will be having my monthly community office hours, first Saturday of the <br />month at the Southwest Senior Center at Jerome Park, there at Center and <br />McFadden. I want to thank all those that do come out on Saturdays to chat with me <br />and give me some of their feedback/input, I've met with a number of the individuals <br />who were here today, both talking about Sunshine Ordinance, about the PBID. Just <br />want to invite folks and let you know that you have an audience with your <br />councilmember, there again this coming Saturday the 7th from 9 to noon at the <br />Southwest Senior Center. <br />• That same day in the evening, we will be having one, the art walk in the downtown, <br />all of our art galleries will be open it's a fabulous time to come out and this one is <br />particularly special because the Santora Building is turning 84, and so there is going <br />to a 1920s theme party, there will be people dressing up and special music and a <br />birthday cake. I want to encourage folks you don't want to miss that and dress up in <br />your Zoot Suits or whatever else theme attire and come on out and have a great <br />time in our downtown this coming Saturday evening. <br />• Finally as we talked tonight, we talked about downtown talk about the economy just <br />in general one of the things that is clearly important is to make sure that we shop in <br />Santa Ana. Whenever you're thinking about buying groceries, buying shoes, <br />pumping gas, buying milk whatever it is, do everything you can to make it happen in <br />Santa Ana so we can benefit from the tax dollars and continue to prcvide great <br />service to our community. So shop Santa Ana and with that have a great night. <br />CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 20 JULY 16, 2012 <br />
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