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FULL PACKET_2012-08-06
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FULL PACKET_2012-08-06
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8/2/2012 4:22:14 PM
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Councilmember Martinez: <br />• Thank you Mayor Pro Tern Alvarez. Too bad Councilmember Tinajero left, while I <br />listened back there for the past hour and a half but with that being said, I do take my <br />job very seriously and that's why I'm here. <br />• But my comments are to the folks that are here today here in the audience and to <br />the residents listening at home. I'm proud to be a resident of the City of Santa Ana <br />and I'm also proud to be a councilmember for the past six years. I tell that being up <br />here sometimes is not easy there's a lot of scrutiny but you know what when I signed <br />up for the job I knew it was coming and I've always stayed my ground I've always <br />been a person of integrity and I've always done the right thing, always, because <br />that's who I am, those are my values no one ever has to come to me and ask me to <br />do something. When its all said and done, Michele will always do the right thing <br />because I have a conscience and to be quite honest with you, the truth always <br />reveals itself. Maybe not at the beginning but at one point in time the truth will come <br />out about people's integrity about people's values. Always, and I always stay true to <br />that. With that being said whether I'm able to participate or not and I'm going to <br />leave that up to my City Attorney because that's who we hired to give us advise and <br />I just want to thank you City Attorney, I think you're doing a fabulous job. <br />• My next comments, I haven't been able to be here for the past couple of meetings <br />for comments because I just finished probably one of the toughest races I've ever <br />had to do and campaign mode. And people say "Michele why did that ?" Again <br />because I care and I love this city and I put myself for the past eight months through <br />a grueling campaign and I wasn't successful but you know what life sometimes you <br />win and sometimes you lose. But it doesn't matter how many times you win but it <br />matters when you lose how you get up. And I tell you I got up with a smile because <br />know that I dedicated 150% to that job to assuring that I would be able to represent <br />this city and other cities but it didn't happen. But you know what I'm still here on this <br />city council and I tell you that I still get up with a smile and even though we're facing <br />some challenging times, <br />• and I know that the media is still out there and I think many of you have heard <br />already and its been all over the news that one of my colleagues has been arrested <br />and many people don't want to comment but I'm going to comment because its <br />important and yes it's a private matter having to do with his outside employment it <br />has nothing to do with the City of Santa Ana and I think its very important that we <br />note, they are some serious allegations but with that being said we can't comment <br />on those, we're not the District Attorney, we're the City of Santa Ana, but rightfully so <br />I believe that its important, I know our PIO earlier spoke to the media, and I know the <br />media wanted to speak to the councilmembers but I'm saying my comments here <br />today, I wish Mr. Bustamante the best of luck and his family, but that is a private <br />matter and I wont comment any further all I do know is that the city needs to move <br />forward with its business and what happened outside the scope of the city council <br />has nothing to do with the mayor or council or the City of Santa Ana and I want to <br />make that very clear. <br />CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 21 JULY 16, 2012 <br />1 OA -21 <br />
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