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BYLAWS OF DOWNTOWN INCORPORATED <br />Revised 2011 <br />ARTICLE I. NAME AND PURPOSE <br />SECTION 1. NAME <br />The name of this Corporation shall be Downtown Incorporated. <br />SECTION 2. GENERAL PURPOSE <br />This Corporation is a nonprofit mutual benefit Corporation organized under the California Nonprofit <br />Mutual Benefit Corporation Law. In general, the purpose of this Corporation is to engage in any <br />lawful act or activity for which a Corporation may be organized under such law. <br />SECTION 3. SPECIFIC PURPOSE <br />The specific purpose of this Corporation is to enhance and promote the unique and varied economic <br />interests of Downtown as the historic, cultural, and commercial heart of the community of Santa Ana. <br />SECTION 4. LIMITATIONS <br />(a) This Corporation is not organized, nor shall it be operated, for pecuniary gain or profit, and it <br />does not contemplate the distribution of gains, profits, or dividends to the members thereof or <br />to any private shareholder or individual as defined in appropriate sections of the Internal <br />Revenue Code. <br />(b) Notwithstanding any of the above statements of purpose, this Corporation shall not, except to <br />an insubstantial degree, engage in any activities or exercise any powers that are not in <br />furtherance of the specific purposes of this Corporation. <br />(c) The property, assets, profits, and net income of this Corporation are dedicated irrevocably to <br />mutual benefit purposes, and no part of the profits or net income of the organization shall ever <br />inure to the benefit of any member, director, trustee, officer of the Corporation or to the benefit <br />of any private individual. <br />(d) This Corporation shall not participate in or intervene in (Including the publishing and <br />distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office. <br />SECTION 5. DISTRICT BOUNDARIES <br />The Santa Ana Community Management District (CMD) encompasses properties shown on the <br />Downtown map which is attached as Attachment A and made a part of these Bylaws. <br />SECTION 6. USE OF THE TERMS "ASSOCIATION" AND "CORPORATION" <br />The word "Corporation" as used in these Bylaws shall mean Downtown Incorporated. <br />EXHIBIT 4 <br />19E -15 <br />