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ARTICLE II. PRINCIPAL OFFICES <br />SECTION 1. PRINCIPAL OFFICE <br />The principal office of Downtown Incorporated for the transaction of its business shall be located <br />within the District identified in Article I, Section 5 of these Bylaws, in the city of Santa Ana, county of <br />Orange, state of California, at such location as the Board of Directors may determine from time to <br />time. <br />SECTION 2. CHANGE OF ADDRESS <br />The Board of Directors may change the principal office from one location to another within the named <br />city by action properly noticed and duly taken at a regular meeting of the Board of Directors. Notice <br />of said change of address shall be given to all members within thirty (30) days following the Board's <br />action. <br />SECTION 3. OTHER OFFICES <br />The Corporation may also have offices at such other places, within or without the state of California, <br />where it is qualified to do business, as its business may require and as the Board of Directors may, <br />from time to time, designate. <br />ARTICLE III. MEMBERSHIP <br />SECTION 1. GROUPS, RIGHTS AND QUALIFICATIONS <br />Downtown Incorporated shall have (3) classifications of members as follows: <br />(a) Regular Members. Regular membership shall be open to the following: <br />Group 1 — (Non - Residential Property Owner Any) Any person, partnership, firm, Corporation, <br />or entity who owns non - residential real property within the Downtown Santa Ana Community <br />Management <br />District as described in Article I Section 5 of these Bylaws. <br />Group 2 — (Residential Property Owner) Any person, partnership, firm, Corporation, or entity <br />who owns residential <br />real property within the Downtown Santa Ana Community Management District as <br />described in Article I Section 5 of these Bylaws. <br />Group 3 — (Mixed use Property Owner) Any person, partnership, firm, Corporation, or entity <br />who owns real <br />property generally considered suitable for "live- work" uses within the Downtown <br />Santa Ana Community Management District as described in Article I Section 5 of <br />these Bylaws. <br />19E -16 <br />