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OC Children's Therapeutic Arts Center 2012 -13 Proposal Narrative for YSPN Membership <br />C. Priority Services <br />1. Demonstrate how the program will include targeted youth groups: a) Foster and /or emancipated <br />youth, b) Youth with disabilities, c) Youth on probation. <br />a) Foster and/or Emancipated youth — OCCTAC already has a wonderful partnership with the Orangewood <br />Foundation and the Orangewood Children's Home. Last year, OCCTAC co- enrolled participants with <br />Orangewood to provide services to foster and emancipated youth. In addition, last year OCCTAC started a <br />contract with Orangewood to provide therapeutic arts to youth living at the Orangewood Children's Home. <br />Currently, we continue to provide these services and strengthen our partnership with Orangewood. This <br />relationship gives OCCTAC the advantage of doing outreach and engaging new participants for our WIA <br />program. <br />b) Youth with Disabilities — This is a top priority for OCCTAC, provided that our mission is to serve youth with <br />disabilities! In addition, OCCTAC has been partnering with the Santa Ana Unified School District, Transition <br />Partnership Project (TPP) for the past 4 years to serve youth with disabilities exiting high school. (See letter of <br />support from TPP in attachments section). In partnership with the SAUSD TPP, we meet regularly to discuss <br />potential candidates for the program after they have exited high school, but lack the necessary skills to <br />successfully transition in the labor force and need further education and training. Many of the participants <br />referred are moderate to high functioning youth with disabilities, including: learning disabilities, autism, health <br />impairments and others. <br />c) Youth on Probation — OCCTAC will continue to co- enroll with OC Conservation and Taller San Jose and <br />other partners in the community that serve youth on probation and provide the much needed services to this <br />population. <br />2. Demonstrate how the program will include targeted projects: a) Job training programs that will <br />prepare youth for green - collar careers b) Projects that attract and prepare youth for STEM (science, <br />technology, engineering and mathematics careers, c) Projects that offer work experience. OCCTAC <br />programs and services support the High Growth Training Initiative as identified by the US Department of <br />Labor. Within the 14 -high growth industries identified, our participants will obtain training related to the <br />Information and Technology field, Health related field, and the fields of Education (Science and Math). As the <br />participants master their basic skills and commit to taking on new challenges, they will emerge from the <br />program better prepared to accomplish both short and long -term employment goals. With this emphasis on <br />STEM, the WIA participants will spend more time in the area of math, technology and health. OCCTAC is <br />utilizing curricula to build core competencies to train workers; identify and disseminate career and skill <br />information and increase the integration of community and technical college activities with industry and the <br />public workforce system. Also, OCCTAC is interested in preparing youth for green- collar careers. OCCTAC <br />is currently discussing an exciting opportunity to engage WIA participants with disabilities in the field of <br />Horticulture. VSA, CA is a national organization that provides programming for youth with disabilities. In <br />partnership with VSA, our agency would provide WIA participants training and work experience in the field of <br />horticulture and nutrition. <br />D. Program Timeline. Use a chart, timeline or other organization fonnat to show the sequence of events for <br />the entirety of the program. <br />Program Timeline <br />Program Activities & Training <br />Month 1 <br />. Orientation of program and services with Case Manager <br />Objectives: <br />• Employability /Job Skills assessment with Case manager <br />Program Overview, <br />• Basic Skills /Academic levels assessment with Literacy and Numeracy tutor <br />Assessments, Participant <br />. Career interest assessment and survey with Career Counselor <br />Goals <br />. Determine Employment and Academic goals <br />Exhibit A <br />