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OC Children's Therapeutic Arts Center 2012 -13 Proposal Narrative for YSPN Membership <br />partnership with the SAUSD Transitional Partnership Program will aid in the proper enrollment of those youth <br />with disabilities. The relationships established with our partners agencies and other community leaders will <br />ensure that we meet our 75% youth enrollment benchmark by, or before, second quarter and that our <br />participants will be successful in attaining their goals. <br />Case Management: The case manager will coordinate and support WIA participant's activities along with <br />other WIA staff members. The case manager will, at minimum, meet with each youth bi- monthly to monitor <br />their progress, assist with supportive services, and provide job skills training (e.g. resume writing, interview <br />skills, etc). These activities will ensure the success of the youth's goals by time of exit. <br />Program Services: OCCTAC's success is built around the idea of community involvement, education and <br />leadership. Our nurturing based center provides a wide range of classes and family involvement activities, such <br />as parenting classes, support groups, family and /or individual counseling, financial literacy, Supportive Services <br />and others. Our interdisciplinary and holistic model provides WIA participants with the opportunity to involve <br />their parents, siblings and friends. All the programs we offer at OCCTAC incorporate youth and parent <br />involvement and participation! <br />Placement in Employment /Education: Those youth who successfully complete their training program are <br />recommended and sometimes hired as tutors or teacher assistance to work in OCCTAC's Learning Academy or <br />Wraparound programs. Additionally, OCCTAC will support youth with job readiness workshops, participation <br />in job fairs, resume preparation, one -on -one job skills training, career coaching and referrals. All WIA <br />participants will be paid for their "hands -on" job training in the placement site of their choice at OCCTAC <br />program (e.g. Administrative Assistant, Arts programs, Learning Academy, etc.). During the last 4- months of <br />the program, WIA participants will transition out of work experiences at the center and into job interviews and <br />other opportunities in the community. The case manager will work closely with SAUSD TPP job developer, <br />Santa Ana Work Center, Santa Ana business, and other community agencies to attain job leads for the youth. In <br />partnership with Santa Ana College /Centennial Education youth will be encouraged to enroll into post- <br />secondary education or a short-term vocational training program. In collaboration with SIATech Charter school <br />(charter housed at OCCTAC), those youth who have not completed their secondary education will be <br />encouraged to co- enroll. <br />Services to improve Literacy/Numeracy: Participants will be provided with weekly assistance in Literacy and <br />Numeracy on a one -on -one basis via the Literacy or Numeracy coaches. The coaches will review the TABE <br />pre -test to determine student needs and establish specific goals for tutoring sessions. To insure that youth with <br />disabilities are provided with the best service, the case manager and tutors will also work with SAUSD TPP to <br />attain Individualize Education Plan (IEP) and accommodate tutoring sessions as needed. <br />12 - Month Follow -up after exit (Describe how you will continue to support youth during the follow up <br />period. Discuss types of sources of support, services and frequency of contact with youth). The case <br />manager will communicate monthly with the youth during the follow -up phase of the program. Youth will <br />continue to receive employment assistance (such as resume updating, interviewing skills, etc.), academic <br />support, mentoring, and incentives for goal attainment. Follow -up services will include: a) providing job <br />placement and referrals, b) job retention assistance, c) communicating with employers of WIA graduates to <br />ensure success, and d) work with Santa Ana Work Center and other business to help youth find jobs within the <br />community. <br />E. Goals /Objectives and Performance Levels. <br />1. How will your program meet the WIA performance goals listed below: <br />a) 65 %- Placement in Employment or Education: The case manager and career counselor meet regularly <br />with the WIA participants to ensure 65% of placements in employment or education. WIA staff meets with the <br />participants at least two times a month on a one -on -one basis. During these meetings youth are provided with <br />career guidance (e.g. educational programs, college application, FAFSA completion, etc.) and job skills training <br />Exhibit A <br />