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OC Children's Therapeutic Arts Center 2012 -13 Proposal Narrative for YSPN Membership <br />(e.g. customer service, phone etiquette, etc.). Moreover, the case manager also assist youth with job leads, <br />resume writing, interview preparation, and other job readiness skills. <br />b) 61 %- Attainment of Degree or Certificate: OCCTAC currently offers 3 state certificate programs: Child <br />Care Worker and Executive Secretary /Administrative Assistant program in partnership with Santa Ana College, <br />and Mental Health Paraprofessional in partnership with the Santa Ana College and Pacific Clinics. Youth are <br />encouraged to enroll into a certificate program of their choice. The WIA participants are also encouraged to <br />enroll into other certificate programs with other institutions of collaborative partners in the community. By <br />effectively providing these opportunities, OCCTAC is committed meeting the 61 % degree or certificate <br />attainment goal. <br />c) 40 %- Literacy Numeracy Gains: Our WIA Literacy and Numeracy tutors will meet with each participant at <br />least one time a week upon the completion of the initial TABE assessment. Our agency's goal is that each youth <br />increases by at least two Educational Functional Levels at time of post -test. By providing effective and <br />individualized tutoring sessions we hope that our youth are able to increase their basic skills. In the past, <br />OCCTAC has been successful in the attainment of these goals and thus is committed in continuing to assist <br />participants with and without disabilities. <br />2. Please indicate last year's performance measures for your agency (applicable to recipients of WIA <br />funds). <br />Total Exited <br />21 <br />% <br />1. Placement in Employment /Education <br />15/17 <br />88% <br />2. Attainment of a Degree or Certificate <br />9/13 <br />69% <br />3. Numeracy /Literacy <br />15/21 <br />71% <br />3. Describe how you will monitor program activity and manage for performance. The TABE test will be <br />used to determine the specific Literacy/Numeracy needs of the participants and how to navigate the tutoring <br />sessions for each. OCCTAC will also work closely with SAUSD TPP to attain Individualized Education Plans <br />for those youth with disabilities and determine how we can best accommodate them. This information will aid <br />the Case Manager and other WIA staff in the determining effective placements for each youth and it will also <br />provide a guide in their educational /academic goals. <br />4. How will continuous improvement to the program be measured and conducted? OCCTAC's WIA <br />program will be measured in a variety of ways. First, WIA youth will be asked to complete "WIA program" and <br />"WIA staff' evaluation forms at least twice during their participation in the program. This information will help <br />OCCTAC determine areas that could be improved for future years. The staff will also meet weekly to discuss <br />all WIA cases. The purpose of these meetings are to determine additional resources youth may benefit from, <br />discuss educational progress, share job training opportunities, evaluate work experience progress, as well as <br />discuss certificate options available, assessments, and other facets that will help provide a holistic program. <br />WIA staff will also observe and document the development of the youth through constant communication with <br />them and by providing them with job training opportunities. <br />F. Facilities <br />1. State location where program services will be delivered (include cross streets). Most of the services <br />will be provided at our current facility located between Main, Broadway, and Buffalo streets. The exception <br />might be when the program requires interaction and support with partnering agencies and employment related <br />opportunities. If participants have transportation challenges, we will assist them in finding alternate <br />transportation, such as public transportation, and Metrolink. Students also will be assisted to obtain services <br />through ACCESS which serves individuals with disabilities. Also, participants will be provided with bus passes <br />by OCCTAC or the SAUSD TPP program staff to alleviate transportation challenges. <br />Exhibit A <br />10 <br />