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<br />CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />TITLE VI - PUBLIC PARTICIPATION PLAN <br />PURPOSE <br />The City of Santa Ana's Public Participation Plan is organized to work in concert with the Title VI <br />Plan and the Limited English Proficiency Plan. The purpose of the Public Participation Plan is to <br />establish procedures that allow for, encourage, and monitor participation of all citizens living <br />and working in the City, and users of public transportation. Special attention will be paid to <br />soliciting input from low-income and minority communities that are traditionally <br />underrepresented. A survey tool will be developed to seek information about personal <br />transportation and the most effective channels of communication for the City to engage the <br />citizenry. <br />The survey tool will be used to solicit input for the Public Participation Plan. The survey will be <br />posted on the City of Santa Ana website, and distributed at neighborhood and community <br />meetings. Cognizant of individuals with limited English Proficiency, the survey will be <br />developed at a fourth grade reading level and translated into both Spanish and Vietnamese. <br />GOAS AND OBJECTIVES <br />The City's public involvement plan has a single comprehensive goal: to allow the public <br />opportunities throughout the planning process to influence decisions. In order to meet this <br />goal, the City has established the following objectives: <br />1. Identify the most appropriate methods for reaching the public. <br />2. Determine what non-English languages and other cultural barriers exist to public <br />participation within the Santa Ana area. <br />3. Hold meetings in locations which are accessible and reasonably welcoming to all area <br />residents, including but not limited to, low-income and minority members of the public. <br />4. Keep the public informed through effective channels of communication and allow input <br />from those not likely to attend meetings. <br />5. Work to actively involve the public in programs, policy-making and projects. <br />6. Ensure that the City's public involvement plan is dynamic and responsive. <br />7. Use various illustrative visualization techniques to convey the information including but <br />not limited to charts, graphs, photos, maps and the internet. <br />8 <br />25B-48