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CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />TITLE VI - PUBLIC PARTICIPATION PLAN <br />following the guidelines of Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act, so that it is able to <br />accommodate disabled users. <br />Social Media: <br />The City will utilize common social media forums (Facebook, Twitter, Nixle, etc.) to disseminate <br />project information. <br />Public Notices: <br />The City will include notations in public notices in appropriate non-English languages that will <br />provide a contact where the individual can be informed of the process/project, and will have an <br />opportunity to give input. <br />Public Meetings & Focus Groups: <br />The City will host public meetings and focus groups to discuss topics/projects of interest with <br />the public. When hosting public meetings, the City will provide adequate notice to the public <br />and follow all federally prescribed guidelines regarding public comment periods. The City will <br />make a good faith effort to notify the public, such as posting in work places. At meetings, the <br />City will utilize visualization aides, such as power-points and maps to assist the public in <br />understanding the situation. <br />PERFORMANCE METHODS <br />On an annual basis, the City will undertake an internal review of its public participation plan's <br />effectiveness of engaging the public, by examining criteria, such as: <br />• Records public meetings, <br />• Records of responses to citizen email, and <br />• Input from the general public <br />PUBLIC PARTICIPATION PLAN (PPP) <br />Availability of this plan for review will be advertised in a manner reasonably expected to reach <br />the general public, as well as minority populations, low-income persons, and traditionally <br />under-served populations. This could occur through contacts mentioned earlier in this <br />document, notification of contacts are available in English, Spanish and Vietnamese languages. <br />For project information, please contact: <br />Public Works Agency <br />Suzi Furjanic <br />20 Civic Center Plaza - M36 <br />City Hall -Ross Annex <br />Santa Ana, CA 92807 <br />(714) 571-4241 <br />sfurianic@santa-ana.or? <br />10 <br />25B-50