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COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT NO. C-2-2030 <br />ATTACHMENT A <br />cognizant of the fact that queuing of right turn vehicles or left turn vehicles <br />that do not pass the limit line for counting purposes during the count time <br />period shall also be counted as part of the quarter hour period in which they <br />occur. <br />c. TMCs, supplied by an alternate viable source, for an intersection that are 5 2 <br />years of age may used in lieu of a manual count. <br />All counts shall be summarized in MS Excel 2007 format. Copies of the raw data <br />count sheets will be provided to each involved AGENCY. <br />Deliverables — Task 2: <br />1. Report summarizing data collection effort, including intersection turning counts, <br />traffic collision analysis, current traffic signal timing patterns, and drawings of <br />intersection features. <br />2. Electronic versions of all data files (See CTFP Guidelines for ROADS requirements) <br />3. Raw video footage of intersections receiving Video Counting to OCTA only. <br />4. Deliverables of Task 1 and Task 2 to AGENCIES shall be limited to political <br />boundaries. <br />Task 3: Field Review, Pians Specifications and Estimates, Design Standards and <br />Requirements <br />1. CONSULTANT shall review the geometric layout, existing traffic signal equipment <br />and signal synchronization related infrastructure, and identify any deficiencies for <br />each intersection and along the whole corridor. The review shall include an <br />assessment of the existing intersection geometry, traffic conditions, and traffic signal <br />control equipment and telemetry/interconnect facilities along the corridor and of each <br />intersection. using observation, available as -built plans, consultation with the local <br />AGENCIES, and AGENCY supplied aerial photos. CONSULTANT will use a <br />standard field form developed by CONSULTANT for this review that accounts for <br />each piece of intersection data required. With permission of the local AGENCIES, <br />CONSULTANT will inspect the interior of each traffic control cabinet, inspect the <br />telemetry systems and determine their respective condition and make <br />recommendations for equipment upgrades. CONSULTANT is advised that certain <br />infrastructure and equipment upgrades have been identified previously by the <br />AGENCIES and reviewed by the APM and shall be a requirement of this project. <br />These items are identified subsequently within this document. <br />2. CONSULTANT shall also include an identification of all planned and programmed <br />improvements (widening projects, intersection improvements, etc.) on the study <br />corridor. The identification of these projects should be at minimum a list summarizing <br />all improvements. <br />3. Key components of the corridor review shall include, at minimum, the following: <br />