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Report for Housing Division <br />Projects and Activities <br />March 4, 2013 <br />Page 3 <br />4. Family Type <br />Other <br />Family <br />10 % _,,,` 2 7% <br />The family type of program <br />participants is illustrated in Chart 4. <br />"Other" consists of households that <br />are non-elderly, non-disabled, with <br />no minorchildren. <br />Over half (63%) of participating <br />households have elderly and/or <br />disabled members. <br />Chart 5 depicts participants by <br />percentage of Orange County <br />median income. As of November, <br />2011, the County's median income <br />was $85,300. <br />Approximately 73% of families on <br />the program earn less than 30% of <br />the median income, which is <br />$28,900 per yearfor a family of four. <br />30% <br />6. Sources of Income <br />Participants' incomes come <br />from a variety of sources, <br />as illustrated in Chart 6. <br />Nearly half (43%) of <br />participating families <br />have employment income. <br />Participating families pay a <br />portion of their monthly rent <br />Via, <br />~~`~~ ~,~kry ~.sff~ v t <br />~~~~ <br />_~ ~~,~~~.~~ ~ r,~ <br />a 4tH h {~, a t ~ ~,C <br />a <br />r~~'ti ~Y'c~ f I''~ y . <br />i 'fi't i,. ~ ~' iG ~ _ <br />S i ~ ~~ ~ ~ <br />~._Disabled <br />Elderly 16% <br />47 <br />5. Income as Percentof Median <br />Below 80% of <br />Median <br />14% <br />Below 50% of -~ <br />Median <br />13% <br />50% I <br />45 % ~ 43 <br />40% <br />35% <br />I <br />30% <br />25% <br />20% <br />15% f <br />3 <br />10% <br />5% <br />0% ~ ~ r <br />With any wages <br />r <br />Below 30% of <br />Median <br />73% <br />35% <br />21% <br />With any Welfare With any SS/SSI With any other <br />income <br />