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Chapter 6 <br />INCOME AND SUBSIDY DETERMINATIONS <br />[24 CFR Part 5, Subparts E and F; 24 CFR 982] <br />INTRODUCTION <br />A family's income determines eligibility for assistance and is also used to calculate the family's <br />payment and the Santa Ana Housing Authority's (SAHA's) subsidy. SARA will use the policies <br />and methods described in this chapter to ensure that only eligible families receive assistance and <br />that no family pays more or less than its obligation under the regulations. This chapter describes <br />HUD regulations and SARA policies related to these topics in three parts as follows: <br />Part I: Annual Income. HUD regulations specify the sources of income to include and <br />exclude to arrive at a family's annual income. These requirements and SARA policies for <br />calculating annual income are found in Part I. <br />Part II: Adjusted Income. Once annual income has been established HUD regulations <br />require SARA to subtract from annual income any of five mandatory deductions for which a <br />family qualifies. These requirements and SARA policies for calculating adjusted income are <br />found in Part II. <br />• Part III: Calculatin Fg amily Share and SARA Subsidy. This part describes the statutory <br />formula for calculating total tenant payment (TTP), the use of utility allowances, and the <br />methodology for determining SARA subsidy and required family payment. <br />PART I: ANNUAL INCOME <br />6-I.A. OVERVIEW <br />The general regulatory definition of annual income shown below is from 24 CFR 5.609. <br />5.609 Annual income. <br />(a) Annual income means all amounts, monetary or not, which: <br />(1) Go to, or on behalf of, the family head or spouse or to any other family member (even if <br />temporarily absent); or <br />(2) Are anticipated to be received from a source outside the family during the 12-month period <br />following admission or annual reexamination effective date; and <br />(3) Which are not specifically excluded in [24 CFR 5.609(c)]. <br />(4) Annual income also means amounts derived (during the 12-month period) from assets to <br />which any member of the family has access. <br />In addition to this general definition, HUD regulations establish policies for treating specific <br />types of income and assets. The full texts of those portions of the regulations are provided in <br />exhibits at the end of this chapter as follows: <br />• Annual Income Inclusions (Exhibit 6-1) <br />• Annual Income Exclusions (Exhibit 6-2) <br />2~25~13 Page 6-1 <br />